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The Most Popular Grammar Checking APIs In 2023

Nowadays, despite us being surrounded by informal language and colloquialisms as a modern, full of technology/social medias society, our spelling, punctuation and grammar still represent us in the world and talks about us. When we present something that we have written either it is an article, an email or a text message and it misworded or we can’t make the other person understand what we are trying to say, it makes us seem careless.

Good grammas is the groundwork of clear communication. Without it, we cannot be understood. The better the grammar, the clearer the message. If the receiver of our message has to translate our poorly written message in order to understand what we might have wanted to say, eventually they will get tired and stop trying to acknowledge our words.

The Most Popular Grammar Checking APIs In 2023

This should be a topic of your concern if your work is very related to writing. You may be a journalist, you may own a blog or you may find yourself in a position of writing emails on a daily basis. It does not matter who you are, you want your message to be understood.

If you don’t have the time to check the dictionary every time you are writing to check your spelling or if you are not sure if what you are saying makes sense but you don’t want to look for it, here it will be offered something that will help you make your message clear and understand why you made the mistakes so you don’t repeat them.

These days, we can rely on APIs. An Application Programming Interface is an aid that will simplify your life. In this case, different Spell and Grammar APIs will be shown so you can pick the one that suits you the best and will surely make a great impact the next year.

Spell and Grammar Checker API

The Most Popular Grammar Checking APIs In 2023

This API provided by Zyla Labs is a very practical instrument that is able to detect any grammar errors in the application you submit. You will receive a JSON object with all the errors that were recognized, grammar suggestions and more. It also increases the UX experience which allows the user to easily correct what was wrong before publishing the writing piece. What is great about this spell checker api, is the fact that it provides context about the misspelled word or phrase. Like this, the user can understand why the mistake was made (either it is a typo error or upper-lower case error)

Language Tool

The Most Popular Grammar Checking APIs In 2023

Language Tool is an easy spell check API to incorporate into your software. This API can be used for multiple languages and is very used in web agencies, websites and software companies. This API is integrated by the Hunspell dictionary which is also utilised by LibreOffice and OpenOffice but with more than 10.000 new entries which are all checked manually. With this API, more than 2.000 error rules are detected. It also can find errors depending on the context.


The Most Popular Grammar Checking APIs In 2023

If the options above didn’t quite convince you, you can try WebSpellChecker API . With this API, you can extend the grammar and spell check functionality of your application. It is based on a proofread spelling and grammar which will surely improve your writing style. In this way, you can have the benefit of spelling autocorrect and autocomplete suggestions. This API also builds custom dictionaries in more that 20 languages.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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