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The Most User-Friendly Encryption API Available On The Web

Do you want to use Encryption API to increase the security of your website? then read this post to learn how to accomplish it!

Encryption and decryption are two of the most important computing procedures. Through the process of encryption, information is transformed into a code that can only be understood by the intended recipient. Decryption, on the other hand, entails taking encrypted material and returning it to its original form.

Many websites employ encryption APIs to safeguard the information of their users. If you want to retain sensitive information like credit card details or social security numbers on your website, for example, encryption is a way to protect it from hackers or other unwanted visitors.

Without having to write them down, you may generate safe passwords using a reliable encryption API (or keep them in a document on your computer).

Existing data may be readily encrypted, but in order to decode them, you need the right key or password, both of which are known only by the user. This ensures that only authorized users may access the data they need, protecting the security of everyone using the same system.

Businesses that often handle a lot of sensitive data may be able to automatically decode encrypted data when necessary, saving them time and money (such as banks).

The Most User-Friendly Encryption API Available On The Web

What Kinds Of Encryption Algorithms Are There?

Symmetric key encryption encrypts and decrypts data using a single secret key. This key is used by the sender and the recipient to encrypt and decode their respective messages, respectively. This process is also known as “secret-key cryptography.” It is one of the methods that is most frequently utilized since it is simple to include in hardware or software. There are a lot of disadvantages as compared to different tactics like public-key cryptography, as we’ll see in a second.

A public key and a private key are used in asymmetric key encryption to encrypt and decrypt messages, respectively. You can transmit messages by using this technique.

Exactly What Purpose Does This API Serve?

Symmetric encryption employs single-key cryptography, which uses the same key for both encoding and decoding. A single key is used for both encryption and decryption in symmetric cryptography.

Asymmetric cryptography employs two keys: a public key that anybody may use to encrypt data and a private key that can only be used by its owners to decode it.

You may securely encrypt any string with the aid of this API. When the request is accepted, a 64-byte random encryption key that is unique to you is created (it’s not a hex string!).

To decode the encrypted string from the first parameter, use the same key. The returned value contains the encrypted string in hexadecimal format.

With the aid of this API, you’ll be able to encrypt any text starting in 2023! Simply provide the plaintext string and secret key as a POST request argument. The best data security choice currently on the market is now presented!

Encrypt Your Data To Protect It!

Using the Encryption and Decryption API, any text may be converted into the required encrypted format. The hashes MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 are supported. You’ll be able to comprehend them as well. Internet security typically uses encryption, which can offer a secure means to communicate data over the internet or exchange important information within your firm.

The Most User-Friendly Encryption API Available On The Web

The Encryption and Decryption API will provide you with a string that you may encrypt as you desire. You’ll receive a Hash later that you may save. By comparing your hashed strings, you may allow login requests and transaction requests. It’s quite easy and safe.

Related Post: Try Out This Encryption API For Security Purposes

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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