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Top 3 Alternatives To CountryLayer For Accurate Country Data API

Are you aware of the fact that CountryLayer API is not the unique API to search for accurate country data? We are here to present to you 3 more reliable options that will make you save effort and time because of their easy to use interface. Keep reading to know everything!

Country data APIs are programs that link programmers to programs that offer information on all countries in the world. These types of APIs may provide a variety of data on various nations, depending on the objectives of a given research project.

The list could include information about the population, geography, culture, flags, airport codes, significant cities, etc. They are also quite beneficial for those who require information from several countries or about a specific area of a country.

CountryLayer API is an API that offers quick, accurate data in lightweight JSON format for any country in the globe, including its location, population, codes, currencies, languages, flags, and many other things. Its country databases are based on data that has been authorized by each nation. For optimal usability, simple integration, and compatibility with any programming language, it is given in portable JSON format.

Top 3 Alternatives To CountryLayer For Accurate Country Data API

But because we know that this is not the only option that we can find online, we have selected for you the top 3 alternatives in 2022 to search for information about countries in case you are not satisfied with what you have been experimenting with this API.

Country Information API on Zyla Hub

The Country Information API available on Zyla Hub enables developers to access country-specific information, including data on country calling codes, time zones, and capital cities. The API can be used to lookup countries by their two-letter ISO code, and returns information in JSON format.

Top 3 Alternatives To CountryLayer For Accurate Country Data API

In addition to the 194 countries on the planet and other locations that are not considered to be countries, the Country Information API provides data from more than 200 regions. You will be given a list of all 240 countries this API supports. Find out the population in ANSI CODE, the USD GDP, the currency, the AREA KM, the symbol, the financial code, the linguistic systems, the phone, etc.

You can add information about any country in the world to your databases by using Country Information API. It is also possible to create graphs illustrating economic growth and an improvement in living standards using statistics on GDP and internet usage.

GeoDB Cities API

With this you can search basic information about the world’s cities, counties, regions, and nations. You can restrict the data and sort it in a variety of ways to get the information you need for your use case.

Top 3 Alternatives To CountryLayer For Accurate Country Data API

You may filter cities using a variety of criteria, like name prefix, nation, location, time zone, and even minimum population, and view the results in a variety of languages. Distances between cities can be sorted by name, country code, elevation, population, or any combination of these. The RESTful API follows industry standard practices and includes HATEOAS-style links to the results of the help page.

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Graph Countries API

The Graph Countries API is a GraphQL API that allows users to query information about various aspects of a country, including its borders, currencies, languages, flags, regions, and subregions. It is also possible to navigate the informative tree in the opposite direction, such as obtaining a list of all countries according to their official language or time zone.

Top 3 Alternatives To CountryLayer For Accurate Country Data API

 It is possible to make some more particular searches, such as bordering nations and distances to other nations. A more sophisticated search, selection, filter, and pagination mechanism provides an additional advantage.

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Published inAppsTechnology
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