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Top 3 Email Verification and Validation APIs For Developers

If you own a B2C business where email is one of the main channels of communication with clients. This article will be extremely beneficial because it will recommend three email verification and validation APIs for developers.


Application programming interfaces are key instruments from which developers are able to execute their procedures with ease. These tools have the capability to handle tons of data in seconds, which is why they have the power to provide information that will enhance any developer’s task.

This being said, developers are the ones that will integrate the API into the program that will use it to perform. Therefore, both the tool and the professional are essential for any company. Evidently, for this combo to succeed, the developer needs to understand the kind of API he is working on. One that is compatible with the software and easy to comprehend.

Top 3 Email Verification and Validation APIs For Developers

Verification and Validation For Companies

Therefore, B2C companies such as online stores where the experience of the user is one hundred percent through the computer rely on email communication. This is due to the fact that everything passes through this channel.  For instance, the tracking of an order, communication with clients, and more.

Hence, it is crucial for these businesses to know if the email they are working with and sending information to is valid and correct. Let’s put a hypothetical scenario, a client makes an order but makes a mistake while writing his email. He will then not receive information about his purchase, will not be able to track his or her order, and will not receive future information from the company.

Evidently, this is an aspect that will affect your company in two ways. First, the client will feel disappointed so you are probably losing a client. On another hand, you will be sending campaigns and investments into a profile that does not. Hence, the crucial introduction of email verification and validation APIs.

On top of that, you have to make sure it is a safe and easy-to-integrate API. As a consequence, your developer will be able to merge it with the software of your company in seconds. For this, I recommend the top three email verification and validation APIs right now.

Top 3 Email Verification and Validation APIs 

Top 3 Email Verification and Validation APIs For Developers

E-Mail Verificator and Temporary Emails Detector

If a specified email is transient, disposable, or inaccurate, this Email Validation API will respond in a matter of seconds. Through this data,  B2C companies can determine if the information they are providing to the clients is actually being sent to a real client. Additionally, with Email verificator and temporary emails API, the business can Improve the understanding of its KPIs. Such as the ones that focus on email marketing, hit rate, churn rate, and so on. 

Evidently, with this API you will make sure your clients will be content with your services. Plus, asseverate a future client that will be receiving information from your company.

Top 3 Email Verification and Validation APIs For Developers

Abstract API

Abstract API is effective and functional with click-through rate detection, junk mail contact forms, the difference between personal and business email IDs, and a lot more. The API will help your company have a clearer view of the emails they possess in their database

Top 3 Email Verification and Validation APIs For Developers


Your mailing lists are will be always clean of outdated, dangerous, and incorrect email addresses by Verifalia. Keep your sender’s reputation intact. lower the churn rate. Additionally, it uses an email verification feature to keep your important emails out of your clients’ rubbish folders.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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