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Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared

Do you want to know the highest-level copied text checker detectors as well as their advantages, benefits, and cons? Then, you are in the right place because here we will present you the top 5 free plagiarism checker tools compared!

It is quite common for students, writers, bloggers, and journalists to become concerned about whether they might have plagiarized someone else’s work without wanting to. That is why the best way to prevent such a negligence like this is to use a copyright infringement detector, in order to be sure about the originality of a text.

Fortunately, there are lots of tools available online to facilitate this hard process and ensure academic excellence when assessing your student’s essay or when writing a research paper. Therefore, we will show you the best copied text detector and what is the main characteristic of each one of them.

Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared
Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared

1. Cheplag

Cheplag is one of the best copyright infringement detector available online for free. This saas provides you immediate results and allows you to identified portions of duplicated words on your text. It is very used among the entire educational community, as well as consulted by writers, journalists, bloggers, and academic scientist.  

You can easily use this API to achieve accuracy in your work and also ensure academic integrity by avoiding plagiarism in just a few clicks. That is why it is so hard to find any cons on this copied text detector, so you should really try it yourself and find out whether if it has them or not, because we did not identify any.

Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared

2. Duplichecker

Duplichecker is a very well known plagiarism detector. As Cheplag, it is available online, and you can use it for free in the most easy way. You only need to enter the text you want to analyze and wait a few minutes to see the results. It will provide you the percentage of copied words that your work has, so you can rewrite in case you need to. However, the searches in this API are limited to 1,000 words.

Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared

3. WhiteSmoke

This saas not only prevent you from submitting a duplicated text, but also takes care of your grammar. WhiteSmoke is known by its excellence and precision, as it can detect the previous mistakes you may have made after too many hours of investigation and paraphrasing. Nevertheless, you should know that it does not count with such large databases as others plagiarism APIs.

Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared

4. Plagium

Plagium is another copied text checker you may want to try, as it is very used among teachers as well as college students. It can efficiently track any duplicated words on your students essays or your research papers by searching all over large databases and websites, as well as social media content by using sophisticated algorithms. But you should know that, in case you want to make a deep check, you will need to get the paid plan.

Top 5 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared

5. PlagiarismCheck

This text analyst software enables you to use several tools as a way to improve your text and ensure authenticity. PlagiarismCheck also takes care of your grammatical style by providing synonyms you can use to replace repeated words and suggests rearrangements on the structure of your text. However, the advertisement it shows can be annoying.

Now you are aware of the best plagiarism detector tools, their advantages, and their cons. Do not waste any time and use the best of them to improve your work!

Published inAppsTechnology
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