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Category: Cryptocurrencies

Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware of 2019!

What is the Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware of 2019? Bitcoin mining requires highly energy-hungry hardware and a firm understanding of the underlying blockchain technology that drives the Bitcoin network. The Bitcoin mining arms race, however, has created a specialized breed of computational hardware dedicated solely to solving Bitcoin blocks. Selecting…

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The next crusade by Falciani, the HSBC filtering: a clean cryptocurrency

One of the most wanted financial whistleblowers, the Frenchman Hervé Falciani, has chosen new unusual weapons to fight against money laundering and fraud, a cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology on which it is based. This former HSBC systems engineer managed with his leaks to activate several investigations for tax evasion…

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BTC will continue to thrive

The first Bitcoin (BTC) transaction took place exactly ten years ago on the 12th of January 2019. The first transaction involving BTC ten years ago marked the beginning of a new era for the global monetary system. The transaction was carried out between Satoshi Nakamoto the anonymous creator of Bitcoin…

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