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Try This API To Get Brass Rates In Tonnes

Do you wish to get brass rates in tonnes? Then, you should use an API. Stay into this post, because we’ll make a recommendation.

The worldwide Brass Wires Market in 2022 is expected to reach USD 1156.6 Million, up from USD 1156.6 Million in 2021, with a % rise between 2021 and 2022. In 2028, the worldwide Brass Wires market will be worth USD 1636.5 million. Brass Wires Market Size 2022-2028 provides a complete competitive analysis that includes market share, size, and future scope. It seems to reason that you would want to be kept up to date on the metal’s pricing at all times.

Try This API To Get Brass Rates In Tonnes

Pay attention to how values fluctuate over time and how they relate to current prices if you work with brass. This data is critical to optimize your investment. As a result, you must use a programming interface (API).

What Is An API?

This is software that lets two applications communicate with one another. A lot of them are accessible over the internet, albeit not all of them offer the same information. As a result, you must proceed with caution while making judgments to avoid wasting your time with a bad experience.

As a conclusion, we highly advise you to utilize Metals-API, which is quickly becoming one of the most popular and comprehensive APIs for precious metal values. This tool may provide you with a variety of metals and currencies to utilize on your website.

Try This API To Get Brass Rates In Tonnes

You must perform the following to utilize it:

  1. You could acquire your API key at
  2. Search for the bras symbol (BRASS) as well as the currency symbol of your choice.
  3. Use these symbols to add metal and currency to the list before sending the API call. You can also specify the programming language and the price range.
  4. Then, you press the “run” button and you’re finished! The API will appear on your screen.
  5. This API, on the other hand, will provide you with rates in troy ounces. To convert from kilograms to tonnes, divide the Metals-API rate by 3.11035e-5. After that, you will get the prices you require.

Why Metals-API

Metals-API emerged as a basic, lightweight Open-Source API that allowed banks to retrieve current and historical precious metals prices. This API can provide real-time precious metals data with a precision of 2 decimal points and a frequency of up to 60 seconds.

These features include giving precious metals exchange rates, converting single currencies, and providing Time-Series data, volatility statistics, and the lowest and highest prices of each day. The Metals-API can provide precise precious metal currency exchange data in over 170 currencies globally, including Bitcoin and other important cryptocurrencies.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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