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Tutorial On How To Identify Phishy URLs Using An API

Are you currently using APIs to scan phishing URLs but aren’t happy with the results? Don’t think twice! You’ll be able to recognize phishy URLs using this brand-new and innovative API that we’ll give you in just a few clicks!

One of the most common attacks is likely to be phishing scams. Each year, they give hackers thousands of victims as well as a highly lucrative attack method. Fortunately, because they are so widespread, phishing scams can be avoided if you know how to recognize them.

Although new phishing attack tactics are continually being created, they all share a number of traits that can be recognized if you know what to look for. There are many websites that can keep you informed about the latest phishing attacks and their main characteristics.

Your chances of preventing assaults are better the earlier you become knowledgeable about the most recent attack techniques and communicate those techniques to your users through frequent security awareness training. Fortunately, you can stop these potentially damaging intrusions by using an API. Let’s discuss them.

Tutorial On How To Identify Phishy URLs Using An API

In the event that an attacker is successful in gaining access to your sensitive data, a phish detection API may be able to help you identify the compromised account and take the appropriate security measures to limit future harm.

The Phish Detection APIs use machine learning and artificial intelligence to search for these assaults by analyzing the text of emails and webpages and comparing it to well-known phishing trends.

By leveraging APIs like these that use a variety of strategies, such as scanning email headers for suspicious information and looking for well-known phishing patterns, businesses may help prevent user exploitation. They are simple to learn, so there is no effort required to get started.

Thus, we highly advise to use an API like the Phish Scanner API on Zyla API Hub to defend your website in a method that you can trust.

Phish Scanner API

The Phish Scanner API will provide you with an easy-to-understand report, making it incredibly simple to get started utilizing it. The Phish Scanner API was developed with simplicity and efficiency in mind and has the capacity to scan several URLs at once.

Users can build intelligent applications or educational dashboards based on the features of each Phish by using the Phish Score and entire feature set that are provided by the API for each URL submission.

The scan modes of this API are a very helpful feature that allow users to conduct scans at various speeds depending on how many things are being scanned at once. Because of this, if the scanner velocity is higher, you can scan many objects at once.

Tutorial On How To Identify Phishy URLs Using An API

Easy tutorial for using it

1. If you don’t already have one, create an account on the Zyla API Hub to obtain an API Access Key.

2. In the browser, look up Phish Scanner API.

3-Put in the URL you want to check for phishing.

4-A JSON set indicating whether the URL contains phishing or not will be returned by the API.

Published inAppsTechnology
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