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Use A Photo URL And An API To Blur The Faces In It Fast

Do you want to learn how to use a photo URL and an API to blur the faces in a picture quickly? If so, here is how!

Nowadays, people share pictures of themselves and of others so frequently on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; without worrying about potential consequences. For instance, these pictures may contain sensitive information that could be used by unauthorized users to steal someone’s identity; or hurt them in some way.

That is why, face blurring is becoming more popular with the increase in social media usage and popularity. This method works perfectly when you want to protect people’s identities. For example, if you are going to post a picture on Facebook or Instagram; you can blur out the face of any person in the picture before uploading it; so that they don’t get recognized by anyone else on social media.

How Can You Blur The Faces In A Picture Fastly?

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, there are many ways to blur faces in pictures, images, and photographs. However, the two most effective are:

Use A Photo URL And An API To Blur The Faces In It Fast

Editing the image manually by using a photo editor program. For instance, you can use Photoshop, which is the best tool for creating fuzzy photographs; or concealing information in them. However, manual image editing can be confusing and time-consuming. This is because it has a lot of resources; that allow you to edit pictures in different ways. So, if you are not used to using graphic design programs, we recommend you use another approach.

Fortunately, the second method is a simpler way to blur faces without learning to use difficult programs; and that is using a blur face API. A face-blurring API is a tool that detects faces in an image and automatically blurs them out. Because all you need is a computer, an Internet connection, and an account on a website that offers this type of API; this is the ideal way to edit photographs nowadays. It is very simple to use because it functions automatically and takes no effort from you.

Therefore, because using an API for blurring faces is the greatest way to safeguard one’s identity; we recommend using a very reliable and secure one, such as Face Blur API. This API provides a rapid and dependable way of blurring faces quickly. This is because the software uses artificial intelligence to identify all the faces present in a photograph.

Use A Photo URL And An API To Blur The Faces In It Fast

Just Use An API And A Photo URL To Blur Faces

To start using Face Blur API, just register an account on Zyla API Hub website. This is an online API marketplace where you can find and sign up for different kinds of API. When you’re finished, you’ll be given an API key. With this combination of numbers and letters, you can start executing API requests to Face Blur API.

Once you have your API key, supply Face Blur API with the URL of the photo to be edited. The last steps is to execute the API request. And your job is done! The API will automatically blur the input image and return a new URL with the finished blurred image! For additional information about this API visit

Related post: Protect The Face Of A Witness In Pictures Using An API

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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