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Use An API To Obtain Airlines IATA Code In JSON

Are you searching for an API that provides you with IATA codes in JSON? This article will be very helpful to you.

The IATA designation is a three-letter designation assigned by the International Air Transport Association to airlines all over the world (IATA). In the travel industry, IATA codes are used to identify airlines, destinations, and traffic documents.

Use An API To Obtain Airlines IATA Code In JSON

If you have a travel company and want the IATA code of airlines in real-time, you must use an application programming interface (API) since it gives all information from diverse sources and the database is quite reliable. This software will greatly assist the travel sector by allowing them to better their operations. Clients also are provided access to full flight data in real-time. You have to know that not every API provides data in JSON as language computer code.

What is JSON?

JSON is an abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight data storage and transport format that is frequently used when data is transmitted from a server to a web page. This computer language is “self-descriptive” and simple to grasp.

And, How Does An API Work?

To connect two or more operating systems, and send information between them, an application programming interface (API) can be employed. A user’s response is sent to a system, which then returns it to the user through an API.

Even though there are numerous APIs available on the internet, not all of them use JSON as a programming language. FlightLabs was chosen as the best API for your company because it is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly APIs for obtaining flight information.

Use An API To Obtain Airlines IATA Code In JSON

To acquire an airline’s IATA code in JSON, use the following process:

  1. You may establish an account on the website Then, to receive your API, choose the airline endpoint and provide the name of any airline.
  2. Next, on your account dashboard, you’ll find a one-of-a-kind API key.
  3. Select the “run” button to finish the operation. The API will be available shortly.

The API call will look like this:
                  ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY

As a result, you’ll be able to get:

                         "data": [
                                      "airline_name": "American Airlines",
                                      "iata_code": "AA",
                                      "iata_prefix_accounting": "1",
                                      "icao_code": "AAL",
                                      "callsign": "AMERICAN",
                                      "type": "scheduled",
                                      "status": "active",
                                      "fleet_size": "963",
                                      "fleet_average_age": "10.9",
                                      "date_founded": "1934",
                                      "hub_code": "DFW",
                                      "country_name": "United States",
                                      "country_iso2": "US"

Why FlightLabs

FlightLabs is a powerful API for gathering real-time worldwide flight data from many sources. This API makes use of artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technology (AI). It will provide you with the most recent market information.

You may get flight status from over 250 countries and 13,000 airlines by using FlightLabs. This API provides access to flight information such as departures, daily flights, arrivals, aviation taxes, historical flights, airline routes, and status updates.

This API, on the other hand, is incredibly useful for developers because it supports a broad variety of programming languages, such as JSON, Python, and PHP. As a consequence, incorporating all of the data into software or apps will be straightforward.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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