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Use This API To Detect Fraudulent Credit Card Transactions

Do you want to avoid fraud? Read this article and use the best API to detect it!

The term “fraud” is frequently used to describe a wide range of deceptive or illegal behaviors. Fraud can be committed by individuals, organizations, or governments. Fraud can be committed using a variety of methods, including lying, stealing, and deception.

What Is An API For Fraud Detection?

An API for fraud detection allows programs to communicate with one another in order to share information about potential fraud cases. It allows program developers to access the functionality of another program without having to develop it from scratch. There are many different types of APIs, but an Anti-Fraud API is particularly useful for websites and apps that sell goods or services online.

How Can You Identify Fraudulent Transactions?

There are several signs that may indicate that a transaction is fraudulent. For example:
– A transaction that occurs in an unusual location.
– A transaction that is significantly larger than normal.
– A transaction that occurs at an unusual time of day.
– A transaction that is made by an unauthorized person.s
If you notice any of these signs, you should contact your bank immediately so they can investigate the matter.

Use This API To Detect Fraudulent Credit Card Transactions

Where Can I Begin?

You only need an API, such as Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API, and you’ll have all the information you need in seconds.

Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API allows you to easily access any bank account information. It supports all currencies and nationalities, making it suitable for worldwide transactions. This API provides a simple and user-friendly interface via which you can obtain all of this information in a matter of seconds.

The Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API is one of the most popular APIs available due to its simplicity and accuracy. By entering some basic information such as the firm’s name and IBAN, you can gain access to all types of information on bank accounts, including their name and address, as well as their BIN number.

Use This API To Detect Fraudulent Credit Card Transactions

How Did You Get This Information?

1- Go to Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- With your API key, you can already integrate the API in the language you need. In the mentioned URL, you can find a lot of Code Snippets, that can facilitate your integration.



If you call the endpoint with the BIN number “448590,” for example, the API will return the following response:

"success": true,
"code": 200,
"BIN": {
"valid": true,
"number": 448590,
"length": 6,
"scheme": "VISA",
"brand": "VISA",
"type": "CREDIT",
"currency": "USD",
"issuer": {
"website": "",
"phone": "1-212-270-6000"
"country": {
"country": "UNITED STATES",
"numeric": "840",
"capital": "Washington, D.C.",
"idd": "1",
"alpha2": "US",
"alpha3": "USA",
"language": "English",
"language_code": "EN",
"latitude": 34.05223,
"longitude": -118.24368

As a result, the Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API is a crucial tool for any organization looking to improve its payment processing system, and it’s worth looking into if you’re looking for an API that provides excellent credit card validation and BIN verification.

Published inAPI
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