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Use This API To Find Out Daily Stocks Rates

Would you like to obtain the daily prices of shares of companies? Well, for that, you will have to use a Daily Stocks API. We have done a lot of research on the internet, and after several tests, we believe that this API is the best of all for several reasons. We will explain everything in detail in this post!

The shares are the equal parts in which the share capital of a corporation is divided. These parts are owned by a person, who is called a shareholder, and represent the ownership that the person has of the company, that is, the percentage of the company that belongs to the shareholder. Owning shares of a company confers legitimacy on the shareholder to demand his rights and fulfill his obligations. Among other rights we can mention: exercising the vote at the Shareholders’ Meeting, demanding information about the company’s situation or selling the shares it owns.

Use This API To Find Out Daily Stocks Rates

Among other obligations, the shareholder will also have to bear the losses, if for a period the company does not obtain good results. It is part of the risk of investing in stocks. A few years ago, the acquisition of shares was considered reserved for high-net-worth individuals, but in the last decade families and common users are becoming interested in this topic. You don’t need to invest millions to buy stocks, you just need to have the right tools and know how to buy stocks. As more and more people invest in the stock market, more and more tools are created to meet the growing demand.

Within those tools, you will find the Daily Stocks API. These types of APIs are currently widely used by thousands of investors around the world. And most choose to use the Stocks API. This platform is the best for offering daily stock rates. We highly recommend its use.

Use Stocks API to find out daily stocks rates

In case you want to get daily stock prices, Stocks API is the best option for you! But not only with daily prices, but it is also the best option for weekly rates and even monthly. In addition, it also has historical prices from 20 years ago. For many, having information from the past is very useful, as it helps make better decisions. For example, many take advantage of this information to create charts and thus be able to detect patterns, trends, relationships and structures in the data. This will help you make a better decision about which stocks to invest in and when to invest.

Use This API To Find Out Daily Stocks Rates

How to use Stocks API to get daily prices?

1. The first stage to obtain the prices is to register in the Stocks API system. It is a mandatory requirement, otherwise, you will not be able to use the service.
2. Choose a plan, it can be a no-cost, basic, pro or pro plus plan. Take into account the number of API calls of each one.
3. When you finish, you will receive the API Key, which will enable you to use the API.
4. Select Daily Timeseries. You’ll find this part under “API Documentation”.
5. Enter the symbol of the action you want to search for (if you don’t know it, you can search in “search symbol endpoint”).
6. The other empty boxes are optional. In the first one, you must enter compact (last 100 data points) or complete (20 years of historical data). In the next one, you will have to choose the output format, it can be JSON or CSV.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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