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Use This API To Protect Your Company From Spam Calls

Telephone scams represent a malicious practice that has been with us for some years. In fact, it is one of the most common ways to steal personal data and banking information; so it is necessary to understand it in depth to deploy effective prevention strategies. Therefore, keep reading Use This API To Protect Your Company From Spam Calls; we will tell you about Check Spam Callers API; a tool that will allow you to strengthen the protection of your company.

According to data from the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (CONDUSEF); in the first week that the Financial Fraud Portal was created at the beginning of 2018, almost 7,000 visits were registered on the site and more were reported of 270 events related to a fraud attempt, whether by email, text message, or popular phone scams.

Use This API To Protect Your Company From Spam Calls

What are phone scams?

In short, a phone scam is a theft of data, money; or information from people through phone calls or SMS messages.

There are currently countless ways to trick people in this way to make money through intimidation; false offers, extortion, threats, and many other modus operandi.

In many of them, the criminals act in a pleasant and helpful way; being able to pose as a bank advisor to offer a new credit card or a loan,;or as a customer service agent of a well-known company informing that the victim has won a great prize.

Regardless of the way they do it, the intention is to obtain valuable information from the person such as credit card information, the security responses of their online bank account, or direct deposits and money transfers to access prizes, discounts, or products. financial.

What are the types of these most common telephones?

Now, as we have said, there are several ways in which phone scams can be executed, and they are worth mentioning and learning about.

Malicious SMS

Fraudulent text messages or smishing is a criminal practice that seeks to confuse people into giving up their personal data. For example, informing you that a package from a store cannot be delivered without first confirming your credentials via a link.

When the user enters their data, they are stolen and used for different purposes.

Fake prizes

Perhaps this is one of the most common ways given that the emotion of having won an award from Amazon, Apple, Toyota, or any other recognized brand can cloud the minds of the victims and make them give money or valuable information under the promise of receiving an item. For example, a new phone or a car.

Debt relief

In this type, the scammers will offer credit reductions, interest rates, or credit repair and will ask in exchange for a deposit from the company which, obviously, will have no relationship with the financial institution of which the victim is a client.

Fake kidnappings

In Mexico, this type of practice is also very common and we can see dozens of cases a year in the media where a person pretends to be a kidnapper who is holding a family member of the victim, this being a lie.

The intention of this phone scam is for the person to make a bank transfer or deposit in order to “rescue” their loved one without realizing that this person has never been kidnapped, like this example outlined in Milenio.

Check Spam Callers API

This API will provide you with information to check if an incoming call is a spam. With coverage for more than 60 countries. The only thing you will need is the incoming call number and you will be provided with a message if the call is spam or not.  Check Spam Callers API is ideal for those developers that need to implement a spam check in their software. Prevent your users from receiving spam calls. Also, you will be able to filter your phone’s databases and determine if those numbers are spam or not. Besides, other than the number of API calls per month, there are no other limitations. 

Use This API To Protect Your Company From Spam Calls

If you want to learn more about this Check Spam Callers API, read How To Start Using The Spam Checker API

Thank you for reading Use This API To Protect Your Company From Spam Calls!

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