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Verify Bank Accounts Quickly And Confidently With This API

Account verification is the process of confirming that a user’s information is accurate and unique. This is a crucial step to ensure secure and trustworthy financial transactions. It helps prevent fraud and identity theft by ensuring that the financial data provided is correct and reliable. 

Aside from checking account numbers, the issuing bank or other financial institutions, there are other techniques to validate financial data. So, if you’re looking for a way to help your users verify their accounts with ease, we recommend using a banking information API. These APIs are a great way to verify bank account details quickly and confidently. 

Verify Bank Accounts Quickly And Confidently With This API

Banking information APIs make sure that financial information is correct and current. These tools are a terrific addition to banks and other financial institutions, but they can also be beneficial for independent developers. Those who want to make the most of their time and give their clients solid solutions without building a new tool from scratch. 

In today’s world, many different types of APIs can be used to verify bank accounts. However, not all of them are created equal. Some APIs may be difficult to use or may not work as well as you would expect. That’s why we want to introduce you to a new API that has recently become available; the SWIFT – IBAN – Routing Bank Checker API

SWIFT – IBAN – Routing Bank Checker API

Verify Bank Accounts Quickly And Confidently With This API

The SWIFT-IBAN-Routing Bank Checker API assessed the validity of different bank codes by using its carefully targeted endpoints. These include the routing bank checker, the IBAN code checker, and the SWIFT code checker. Generally, this API is an ideal instrument for financial data validation to guarantee the accuracy and security of your financial transactions.

The SWIFT-IBAN-Routing Bank Checker API features fixed plans that allow for up to 150000 queries per month. But if the number of API calls concerns you, do not worry, it also allows you to create a custom plan. This API is quite convenient in terms of compatibility with other systems, as it supports a variety of computer languages, including JavaScript, jQuery, and others. In the end, you won’t have problems integrating it into any system. 

Start Using This API

We understand the importance of becoming familiar with an API before integrating it into any system. Rest assured that we have your back. Testing the SWIFT-IBAN-Routing Bank Checker API is quite simple, all you need is a Zyla API Hub account. Log in to it, search for the Swift-IBAN-Routing Bank Checker API, and select “Try Free For 7 Days.” Then, select an endpoint and add the required bank data (such as an IBAN, SWIFT, or routing number). Finally, make the API call by selecting the “test endpoint” button.

If you choose the “SWIFT code checker – Endpoint,” just input a SWIFT code in the field allotted for it and send an API call. For example, when we added the number entry “ADTVBRDF”, we received the following data:

  "status": 200,
  "success": true,
  "message": "SWIFT code ADTVBRDF is valid",
  "data": {
    "swift_code": "ADTVBRDF",
    "bank": "ACLA BANK",
    "city": "BRASILIA",
    "branch": "",
    "address": "Q SHCN CL QUADRA BLOCO E, 316,316",
    "post_code": "70775-550",
    "country": "Brazil",
    "country_code": "BR",
    "breakdown": {
      "swift_code": "ADTVBRDF or ADTVBRDFXXX",
      "bank_code": "ADTV - code assigned to ACLA BANK",
      "country_code": "BR - code belongs to Brazil",
      "location_code": "DF - represents location, second digit 'F' means active code",
      "code_status": "Active",
      "branch_code": "XXX or not assigned, indicating this is a head office"

The SWIFT-IBAN-Routing Bank Checker API is a great banking information option to verify bank data quickly and confidently. You may be certain that your transaction will be successful by checking the validity of routing numbers, IBAN codes, and even SWIFT codes. Try it out and judge the outcome for yourself! 

Published inAppsApps, technology
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