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Voice Generator For Testimonial Videos

Video testimonials act as social proof. They are proven to increase a company’s credibility and trustworthiness. Being able to personify a company builds trust.

This is because it gives people more confidence to see someone else recount their own experience than to read a simple paragraph of text. Regardless of the industry, video testimonials will help increase both reputation and sales.

Voice Generator For Testimonial Videos

Video testimonials can start with a short introduction of the company and then the person’s speech. Images are key resources for this content. Because they show what the person is telling. In addition, in the description of the company, a neutral and clear voice should be used. That communicates firmly what you want to say.

How to do it?

To generate the voice, you can use a text to audio converter. They are very good because you can always use them and generate brand image.

Woord is a text to audio converter that converts characters into speech through artificial intelligence algorithms.

Woord allows you to create different folders for the projects you have. This way you have them stored and organized according to the use you are going to give to the audio. You can also merge and rearrange the audios to download them all together as single audio. The conversions are then stored as a single file. This saves you downloading time and also avoids having to edit the audio.

Some specifications:

With this software, the user only has to enter to use it. On the other hand, you can choose if you want it to become a female or male voice. There are also neutral voices so that all members of society can feel comfortable and identified.

How to access it?

1. Entering Woord is really very simple: you just have to enter in your favorite search engine.

2. Introduce the text you want to convert

3. The speed of it

4. Select the language

5. Choose the type of voice (if feminine, masculine or neutral).

6. Click on “SPEAK IT”

Voice Generator For Testimonial Videos

Using Woord, the person can select the speed at which the voice speaks, whether faster or slower. This allows access to 100% personalized content.

Woord can be used for audio systems in various countries. This is so because it includes languages ​​such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Dutch, Norwegian, among others.

Published inAppsTechnology
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