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Web Designers: Check Out This Color Palette API!

Do you want to find a good tool that could get you a random color palette or suggest color palettes related to your current RGB colors? You need to try this one!

What’s a color palette? An interface’s color scheme is created using a color palette by UI designers. When utilized properly, color schemes serve as the visual foundation of your brand, maintain consistency, and improve the aesthetics and usability of your user interface.

Despite the fact that color palettes have been used for thousands of years, they are most frequently utilized in digital design and are displayed as a collection of HEX codes.

How to choose a color palette

Let’s examine how you can use this newfound knowledge to choose a color scheme that reflects your brand’s personality and appeals to your target market.

Web Designers: Check Out This Color Palette API!

You need to consider into account when selecting a color scheme for your user interface:

Research your audience

Color-related emotions can be influenced by a variety of individual characteristics, such as gender, cultural background, and age. Make important to identify your target demographic before you begin selecting your color scheme. What characteristics do they share, and what do they hope to achieve? What competing brands are well-liked by your target market, and how can you outdo their designs?

You may improve the story you want to tell and avoid a potentially disastrous design failure by conducting disciplined, exhaustive research on your target audience.

Consider color psychology

Once you have a clear understanding of your target market, it’s crucial to consider the psychology of your potential brand colors. A subfield of psychology called “color psychology” studies how colors affect people’s emotions and behavior. According to color psychology, the subconscious reactions and interpretations of colors by the human mind affect our behavior.

If you want to choose a color palette that attracts your target audience and accurately tells your brand story, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of colors.

Choose your colors wisely

Typically, you can find six color palettes. Four accent colors, one standard color for your text, and one dominating color should be included in this palette (which is usually black or grey). Be very attentive when considering what color should be your prominent one because this is the color that your target audience will always associate with your brand. Take your time to find inspiration, keep in mind the color associations, and if necessary, conduct some user testing.

Why do we recommend the Color Palette API?

This API has the ability to suggest color palettes related to your current RGB colors. Also, you can get a random palette to start working with. 

Web Designers: Check Out This Color Palette API!

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

This API will receive the RGB colors that you currently have and will suggest additional colors to add to your current palette. 

What are the most common uses cases of this API?

This API is ideal for those web designers that need to have different suggestions based on their current color palette. Be able to access a wide range of colors and start creating styled apps and websites with beautiful colors. 

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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