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What Are Measurement Unit Conversion APIs And How To Use One

Do you need to convert units of measurement on a regular basis? Do you wish there was a faster and more automated way to offer it to your users? You should use a unit conversion API. Let us tell you what it is and how to use one!

Unit conversion is the transformation of one unit into another. Usually, this process is done with the use of conversion factors and the very useful conversion tables. It would be enough to multiply by a fraction (conversion factor) and the result is another equivalent measurement, in which the units have changed.

Instead of wasting time performing calculations, today almost all processes can be automated. This case is no different. Moreover, if you need to integrate it into a system, website or application, you will make excellent use of an API.

What Are Measurement Unit Conversion APIs And How To Use One

What is a unit of measure conversion API?

The term API is an abbreviation for Application Programming Interfaces. It is a set of definitions and protocols used to develop and integrate application software, enabling communication between two software applications through a set of rules.

Thus, we can speak of an API as a formal specification that establishes how one software module communicates or interacts with another to fulfill one or many functions. Your app can send it a request with a particular structure, and this structure will determine how the service or software you are sending that request to will respond.

In this case the API will communicate with a database where the measurement unit systems, their types, parameters, conversion factors, etc. are stored. Performs the conversion calculation, and returns information including the value converted to the desired measurement, in a matter of microseconds.

There are many APIs available at the moment and they are increasing in number and demand with every passing minute. In the case of unit conversion we can recommend the following one: Measurement Unit Conversion API. Entering the link you will find all the information you need to know about this API. Here we leave you an introduction about this useful API.

Use Measurement Unit Conversion API

Measurement Unit Conversion API Convert all types of measurement units to the ones that work better for you. This API will allow you to convert any unit you want to the one that you desire. Be able to programmatically convert any unit. Fast, simple, and reliable.

What Are Measurement Unit Conversion APIs And How To Use One

It provides all the supported units of measurement in one endpoint. With that information, you will be able to convert from any unit to the ones that you want. Simple as that. This API is ideal for those users that handle information and need to deliver different units depending on the products that they have. Be able to deliver fast the conversion.

You have all the information you need about the API in the API documentation tab: endpoints for measurement types and measurement units to get a list with all of that supported by this API. With it, you can create a converter app, create reports with different units, and more! Now if you ask about any limitations with the plans available for its use, besides the number of API calls per month, there are no other limitations. 

Check out the API documentation for more specific features and start using this helpful API to convert any measurement unit you need in your app projects!

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsCategoryTechnology
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