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What’s New in Text Analytics: Opinion Mining API

Organizations determine perception of a product, a Company, an event, or anything you can gather judgement in text format, by means of an accurate data mining technique: sentiment analysis or opinion analysis. This useful tool analyzes insights in social media, where the text is short and concise.

As soon as you set to use sentiment or opinion analysis you will find out it can furnish relevant information that would otherwise be provided from reading thousands and thousands of lines of text so as to determine the authors` opinion. Likewise by means of Opinion Mining APIs you can rid such comment of the emotional aspect as they focus on content rather than on the style of the text language.

What's New in Text Analytics: Opinion Mining API

By means of computational linguistics and NLP (Natural Language Processing), as well as the development of Machine Learning, specific APIs process text data and draw feedback for business growth.

Zyla Lab Opinion Mining API devises a way to understand the topic of the analysis by means of Machine Learning. Text Analytics will discern if every comment is positive, assessing weight so as to change the overall sentiment. Then it will evaluate insight and output an analysis report for the company to sieve the information and make the necessary adjustments for the market`s satisfaction.

What's New in Text Analytics: Opinion Mining API


The implementation of a process of sentiment analysis through automation, will allow you instant monitoring of feedback to act at once. A negative comment suggests an unsatisfied customer, and if the company does not act immediately that negative feeling will persist, and can generate more negativity. A quick reaction that is made visible to the customer and the possibility of offering some mediation, and even compensation, will switch that negative judgement to positivity. What your organization needs is a suite of tools to automate the process so as to make it efficient and therefore useful. They detect language, sentiment and opinion; you can transform the response into a data structure that is suitable for visualizations.

What's New in Text Analytics: Opinion Mining API

Zyla Lab Opinion and Sentiment Analysis APIs aim at analyzing the overall judgement and opinions of certain aspects of a company, a service, a product or any issue the user can demand. It can send as many as ten texts per call if you need to process more than ten texts. You should get one response for every text you send on the request. You can do more transformations on the response so as to generate data structures to suit the widgets you want to add to the dashboard.

Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining are valuable tools for your organization. You are not limited by the number of languages as there is coverage not only in English. You will be able to see a response in one central location, to skim information without the assistance from the data team. The efficiency in ticket routing processes will result in productivity optimization. You will have accurate awareness of customers` insights, and at the same you will save time, exploit resources and potential, and consequently improve service and increase sales.

Opinion analysis and sentiment mining help corporations to sense customers` judgement from various sources. Zyla Labs has thought of your organization, and continues to explore deep into all the available tools, to render the best API, the friendliest one, to satisfy your expectations.

What's New in Text Analytics: Opinion Mining API
Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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