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What’s New In The Market: Keyword Extractor API

On the basis of NLP (Natural Language Processing) and ML (Machine Learning) technologies, Keyword Extraction is a tool to draw the most relevant keywords and key phrases from given text data. It is also known as keyword detection that consists of the automated identification and extraction of important information from unstructured text data. It can summarize the contents in texts, as well as the key topics of discussion from social media sites, feedback in emails, surveys, forums, blogs, etc.

Keyword extraction is an efficient tool to scour unstructured text to spot contents, business intelligence, customer opinions and recurring judgement, by means of pre-defined clues. The platform will build and devise keyword extraction models provided by the client with their specific data to the organization. The resulting report guarantees accuracy and usefulness.

What's New In The Market: Keyword Extractor API

A Keyword Extractor API monitors social media sites to output precious judgement from consumers. Spotting keywords and key phrases allows you to pulse trends, to gauge the market, and to find insights about your competitors. All the process is performed using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to generate algorithms that will automate the function. There is no need of expertise, nor is it necessary to assign extra work to your team, as it is easy to use, accessible to any user, with the availability for any eventual user.

What's New In The Market: Keyword Extractor API

Zyla Labs´ Keyword Extractor API serves a purpose in improving your customer service. You can get an overview of the market to aid your customer support teams to aim their actions to issues than demand immediate attention. This will consequently enhance your competitive analysis as you will better understand what consumers think of your products/services, and the evolution in time. You can weigh your products and services against your competitors`, based on a particular issue.

How simple is that?

The platform gathers the information from various sources. Then it compiles such information in a spreadsheet, you install the plugins on the spreadsheet, subscribe to the plan that best suits your organization, select the segments you wish to skim and run the API. Once you have completed this process, you train your required models with the data of your interest to optimize accuracy in the output.

How does a Keyword Extractor work?

What's New In The Market: Keyword Extractor API

You can gauge text data to count the number keywords are mentioned. The text is chopped into words or chunks, as requested, depending on the word boundaries. It allows to collect important words in a segment of text. Automation saves time and concentrates the focus on the representative issues. At the same time the results are less costly and more accurate.

If you aim at scouring the internet to find large numbers of comments with judgement and assessment so as to detect the words and phrases that best represent each review, keyword extraction is the most appropriate approach. It allows to visualize the most frequent issues in consumers` insights, and process the information with automated tools, which will save time and money. This software uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) as well as AI (Artificial Intelligence) that generate algorithms and models.

Keyword Extractor API uses Wordsfinder Extractor API, as well as Relevant Words Extractor API and Relevant Expressions Extractor API, interacting and supporting the process in an efficient suite of platforms. These NLP tools are essential to monitor and assess unstructured text, to finally return an index of top keywords and key phrases. The ultimate purpose is to increase overall productivity and concentrate constantly on context.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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