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Which API Can Do Automatic Image Resolution Improvement?

Are you trying to find a good API to improve an image’s resolution? We have a recommendation for you!

In its simplest form, content marketing refers to the production and dissemination of unique material with the goal of attracting users to your website or conveying a message. However, assisting your target audience in finding and engaging with your content can be difficult and calls for a thorough grasp of the kinds of material that encourage interaction and the distribution channels that encourage it.

It is insufficient to assume that customers will find your content via SEO. Instead, brands must come up with innovative ways to make sure that their content is seen while remaining subtle.

Images are the best way to convey the essence of a tale, and they may really help to sell a story, especially for a brand. The Facebook post-jump shot from Red Bull’s latest Stratos campaign, in which one guy safely skydived from the edge of space, garnered around 216,000 likes, 10,000 comments, and over 29,000 shares in less than 40 minutes.

Which API Can Do Automatic Image Resolution Improvement?

Brands may express their story in-depth and in their own terms through content marketing. While the written word is very essential, the visual social network (which some are even referring to as the imagesphere) has been increasingly popular in recent years, and the power of an image should not be understated.

According to a recent ROI research study, people are 44% more inclined to interact with brands and businesses when an image is there. Additionally, we recall visual information around 1.5 times as frequently as written information.

The visual representation of a brand must be of the highest caliber. Customer expectations for unique and interesting photographs are higher than ever in this era of smartphone photography. It’s important to get the image correct, make sure it accurately conveys the material, and make sure it draws readers in.

The good news is that using photos doesn’t always have to be expensive. Given that buyers aren’t always interested in the best possible image, they don’t absolutely need to be professionally taken. What counts are its relevance, authenticity, the brand story it tells, and its capacity for amusement. These are the kinds of pictures that get circulated and prompt the crucial call to action.

If you want to make sure your images have high quality you can even use an image enhancer like Image Enhancer API.

Therefore, when developing your content marketing strategy for the coming year, give photos top emphasis. Consider the kinds of photographs that your clients will enjoy and find inspiring, informative, and fun. Start with a single graphic project and draw lessons from it. Keep track of the photos that elicit the greatest response and consider how you may use images to draw viewers to your other types of content at all times.

Why do we recommend Image Enhancer API?

This API is a tool that assists people to improve the quality of their images. Through several super-resolution algorithms, this API is able to improve how an image looks. 

Which API Can Do Automatic Image Resolution Improvement?

If you have a poor-quality photo, this API will make it look better right away. 

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The user will pass the URL of the image that they want to enhance, and will be receiving a new URL with the improved image.

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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