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Which API Provides Secure Passwords In One Click?

It could be said that there are many possible answers, but only one is correct: Password Generator API.

We are very confident in the API that we develop, so much so that we can ensure that all passwords generated with it are totally random and unpredictable.

That Password Generator API offers that the generated keys are totally random is extremely important because one of the key points of Internet security is not to use data that is easy to remember or easy to know by third parties.

Which API Provides Secure Passwords In One Click?

NEITHER of the following:

  • DO NOT include your username, first name, or last name in full or in part.
  • DON’T use your favorite sport as a password. “Baseball,” “football,” “hockey,” “soccer,” and “golfer” are among the top 100 worst passwords.
  • DON’T choose something apparent like your nickname, birthdate, spouse’s name, pet’s name, car make/model, or favorite expression.
  • NEVER divulge your password to anyone.
  • USE SPACES, NOT BLANKS, in your password.
  • Use of words from English or foreign language dictionaries, spelling lists, or often digitized literature like the Bible or encyclopedia is not permitted.
  • Use a keyboard sequence rather than the letters lmnopqrst, 12345678, or numbers 


Obviously all of this advice doesn’t count if you already have the Password Generator API

Why use the Password Generator API?

First and foremost because it is tedious to have to remember each password that we generate but also because it is the safest alternative to keep them safe.

Having a random password gives us a degree of security that is impossible to achieve with a manually generated one, because unfortunately people are predictable and recent studies show that errors are constantly repeated and this is a critical security flaw.

Password Generator API comes to solve this problem because by only having to choose the number and type of characters to use, it is impossible to guess a password generated by our tool.

Now just let us to tell you about our Password Generator API pricing. 

Which API Provides Secure Passwords In One Click?

How much does the Password Generator API cost?

To suit every demand you (or your company) may have, we provide four tremendously varied Password Generator API plan options.

Under the non-cost plan, the first fulfills 1000 Requests each month.

The next one up is the Basic plan, which allows for 10,000 requests per month.

Following is the Pro plan with 100,000 Requests per Month.

But as if these four excellent plans weren’t enough, we also have a fresh Custom plan that you can change to meet the shifting requirements of your business.

Since we are aware that needs are continuously changing and being added to or removed, we work hard to be able to offer this new option to anyone who need it.

We really hope that after reading these words you have been able to convince yourself to try our product so that your company can get the most benefit possible from this type of tool with which we have the pleasure of inhabiting time and space.

Give our Password Generator API a try and you will not regret it.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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