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Which API Provides Shanghai Gold Exchange Prices?

Are you looking for a platform that offers you Shanghai Gold Exchange prices? Well, in that case, there is only one alternative. It is an option that is becoming more and more famous since it is the best precious metals API. This API is the opportunity you have always been waiting for!

One of the most popular precious metals in the world is gold. The symbol “Au” designates it in the periodic table of chemical elements. It is a tiny reactive element that is categorized as a “transition metal” chemically. Additionally, it is a metal with a yellowish and lustrous tint that is found in trace amounts in the earth’s crust and may be retained unaltered by chemical reagents.

Gold has always had a significant impact on human history since it has always represented wealth, power, glory, and triumph. As a result, it has been used to create medals, jewelry, and national symbols, and to support various national legal tenders, whose value was first determined by the gold reserves of the Central Bank of that nation. Many people from various countries across the world decided to invest their money in gold due to its consistent increase in the stock market. China is one of those countries.

Which API Provides Shanghai Gold Exchange Prices?

And for a country with 1.4 billion inhabitants (the second most populous on planet Earth) and with many people interested in buying this metal, it is important to have a reliable source. And statistics reveal that many people in China trust the reputation of the Shanghai Gold Exchange. To get gold prices using this metal exchange, it is best to use the Metals-API system. This is an excellent system that will provide you with precious metal prices.

Use Metals-API! It provides Shanghai Gold Exchange prices.

This service will assist you in your goal if you require the prices of precious metals like gold. In case you weren’t aware, this service is an API (short for Application Programming Interfaces), which provides the current price of various metals on a daily basis, including lithium, platinum, rhodium, platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and copper. All of this data was gathered from reputable sources like the Chinese Metal Exchanges or the London Metal Exchange (LME). Yes! The Shanghai Gold Exchange is the topic at hand. On the other hand, you should be aware that gold prices are provided with a 2-decimal place precision, with updates occurring every 60 seconds and using the Chinese yuan, the legal tender of your nation.

Which API Provides Shanghai Gold Exchange Prices?

This last part is very important. A Chinese businessman will not want to use the USD or the Euro, it is best to use the Chinese yuan. Although Metals-API is not a Chinese company, its system is designed to be friendly to anyone in the world.

To obtain Shanghai Gold Exchange prices, follow these steps:

1. Obtain the API key at
2. Choose a plan that works for you. Plans with annual and monthly caps. Only one annual payment is required.
3- Look for the Chinese yuan and the gold symbol. Information provided by Shanghai Gold Exchange.
4- After you’re done, make the API to retrieve the most recent metal market prices.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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