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Why Choose Vehicle Damage Detector API

It`s a must for developers who need to devise tools for their clients in the fields of insurance, car sales and auctions, to find an efficient basis for their developments.

It`s necessary to use vehicle damage detectors that can ease down the process of claims, inspection and appraisals, software to identify vehicle damage, that´s also very easy to use without the need of expertise or training. Definitely developers need a tool to be integrated in their clients´ websites or applications, that can guarantee accuracy and detection of even the smalles and invisible damage.

Why Choose Vehicle Damage Detector API

Vehicle Damage Detector API is a great choice for anyone who wants to save time and money while also providing their customers with a high-quality service. This is an automatic tool that detects any type of vehicle damage. It uses AI to analyze images of vehicles and identify any damage that they may have. This is indispensable for those clients who need to evaluate claims, like repair shops that need to estimate repair costs, or even individuals who want to know the value of their own vehicle.

Vehicle Damage Detector API is ideal for anyone who needs to inspect cars. This includes both individuals and businesses. For individuals, this API can be used to check your own vehicle for any damage that may need to be repaired or covered by insurance. For businesses, this API can be used to check vehicles before selling them or renting them out. It can also be used to check vehicles at junkyards or salvage yards for potential salvageable parts. Vehicle Damage Detector API is a great way to ensure that vehicles are safe and in good condition before they are sold or rented out. It’s also a great way to save money by avoiding buying damaged vehicles.

Vehicle Damage Detector API is one of the most popular tools for the purpose. This API uses cutting-edge technology to quickly and accurately identify vehicle damage, and it is easy to use. If a developer is looking for a tool that can help them develop software to identify vehicle damage, they should consider using this API for automatic identification of vehicle damage and obtaining a thorough report.

How Does Vehicle Damage Detector API Work?

Vehicle Damage Detector API is very simple to use and requires no special training or knowledge. All you need to do is provide the API with an image of the vehicle that needs to be inspected. The API will then analyze the image and return a detailed report on any damage that it finds. The report will include a list of all the detected damages as well as their severity rating. This way, you’ll know exactly what needs to be fixed or repaired on the vehicle.

Counting on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Vehicle Damage Detector API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the picture of the product. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

Why Choose Vehicle Damage Detector API

It`s advisable to keep the input image under 5MB, between 2000×2000 and 640×480in resolution for a more accurate response. To avoid longer process times it´s recommended not to use higher resolution images. For best damage detection, it’s recommended to take a close picture of the area, approx. 80cm – 1.5m when taking the picture. 

If the input is “draw_result”: true,
“image”: “”
, the result will look like this:

{ "bbox": [ 404, 311, 491, 383 ], "damage_category": "severe_scratch", "damage_color": [ 0, 0, 120 ], "damage_id": "2", "damage_location": "right_rear_tire", "score": 0.497413 } ] }, "output_url": "", "url_expiry": "2022/08/04 13:45:52" }

Developers will find the easy way to the most efficient tool to satisfy the requirements of their clients: ease-of-use, accuracy, reliability, real-time response, thorough report, by just inputting an image of the vehicle.

Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology
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