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Why Do Companies Use The Age And Gender Recognition API

Do you want to know why companies use age and gender recognition APIs? If the answer is yes, keep reading to find out why!

To begin with, age and gender are two important demographic data that can be used to understand your customers better. For instance, if you know that most of your customers are women; you can create marketing campaigns that are more appealing or relatable to them. Or if you know that your customers are mostly young adults; you can offer them discounts and promotions that are relevant to their needs.

Furthermore, knowing the age and gender of your customers can help you target specific audiences for your marketing campaigns; or even create new products and services that will appeal to them. As a result, having access to a tool that can accurately recognize the age and gender of people in images is essential for any business looking to grow its customer base.

What Is The Best Tool For Recognizing The Age And Gender Of People?

In addition, an API is easy-to-use and requires no effort on your part since all you need is a computer, an internet connection, and a reliable API provider! That is why we recommend using the best API available online for recognizing age and gender; which is Age and Gender Recognition API.

Why Do Companies Use The Age And Gender Recognition API

How Can Age And Gender Recognition API Help Your Company?

Age and Gender Recognition API is a reliable API available on Zyla API Hub that can help you improve your company in many ways. For starters, by identifying which gender has more visits on your website or app; you’ll be able to target them more effectively with marketing campaigns or product/service improvements.

Furthermore, Age And Gender Recognition API will help you better understand your customers so that you can offer them things they actually need or want. And lastly, when targeting specific audiences with marketing campaigns or product/service improvements; it’ll be easier for you to understand if they are working or not!

Why Do Companies Use The Age And Gender Recognition API

To Use This API, Follow These Steps:

  1. Sign up for an account at Zyla API Hub. Then, you will obtain an API key.
  2. Authenticate your API key by including your bearer token in the authorization header.
  3. Select the endpoint AGE AND GENDER RETRIEVER.
  4. Finally, enter the URL of the image you want to analyze. Then make the API call!

And that’s it! Age and Gender Recognition API will do the rest for you! To continue, here is an API’s response example based on this image ( so you can see what you’ll get as a result:

curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'

API response:

"detections": [
"age": 26,
"gender": {
"F": 0.9998929500579834,
"M": 0.00010704994201660156
"buckets": "undefinied",
"crop": {
"x1": 0.48995739221572876,
"x2": 0.5603447556495667,
"y1": 0.38415709137916565,
"y2": 0.5182350277900696,
"score": 0.9990142583847046
"age": 23,
"gender": {
"F": 0.9159120321273804,
"M": 0.08408796787261963
"buckets": "undefinied",
"crop": {
"x1": 0.14916424453258514,
"x2": 0.19994181394577026,
"y1": 0.20267245173454285,
"y2": 0.3004399240016937,
"score": 0.9981142282485962
"age": 21,
"gender": {
"F": 0.017176955938339233,
"M": 0.9828230142593384
"buckets": "undefinied",
"crop": {
"x1": 0.11665597558021545,
"x2": 0.1799984574317932,
"y1": 0.39447224140167236,
"y2": 0.5167599320411682,
"score": 0.9977598190307617
"age": 31,
"gender": {
"F": 0.941979706287384,
"M": 0.05802029371261597
"buckets": "undefinied",
"crop": {
"x1": 0.8552035689353943,
"x2": 0.9152976870536804,
"y1": 0.12526936829090118,
"y2": 0.24556846916675568,
"score": 0.9971906542778015
"age": 29,
"gender": {
"F": 0.2799234986305237,
"M": 0.7200765013694763
"buckets": "undefinied",
"crop": {
"x1": 0.5974730253219604,
"x2": 0.6523305177688599,
"y1": 0.2031356692314148,
"y2": 0.31301963329315186,
"score": 0.9931067824363708
"age": 36,
"gender": {
"F": 0.6184659600257874,
"M": 0.38153403997421265
"buckets": "undefinied",
"crop": {
"x1": 0.7259261012077332,
"x2": 0.7819247841835022,
"y1": 0.4104814827442169,
"y2": 0.5568183064460754,
"score": 0.8733519911766052

Overall, using Age and Gender Recognition API will help you understand your customers better so that you can offer them things they actually need or want. This way, your company will grow faster than ever before! So don’t waste more time and give this API a try!

Read more: Top Rated Age And Gender Recognition API For Customer Engagement

Published inAPI
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