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Why Do Companies Use The Anti Spam API?

The automatic systems of the ‘call centers’ are programmed to maximize the time of the telemarketers, but the consequence is that we receive too many calls. This problem usually associates to individual consumers; however, companies also suffer from this problem, losing time and money in the process. Therefore, keep reading Why Do Companies Use The Anti Spam API?, we will tell you about Check Spam Callers API, a tool that will allow you to filter these calls.

Why Do Companies Use The Anti Spam API?

Has it happened to you that they call you for days in a row; almost a dozen a day, and whenever you answered they hung up after two seconds? Any telephone user could feel identified with this testimony.

Most of us also react the same way to these phantom calls: We Google the number. This brings up pages where many people are complaining about the same problem and others have some answers.

This in itself is an annoying problem for anyone, but if we also add the number of times that the workers of a company also receive calls of this type, the issue becomes more complex.

Spam calls waste employees’ time and therefore the company loses money. Not to mention when it comes to calls that try to scam them.

For this reason, one more tool to protect your company is software such as ef Check Spam Callers API, which will allow you to filter all content that is not relevant to the business.

Spam: a global problem

Call spam filtering and protection solutions are in high demand as cybersecurity risks continue to rise.

Both businesses and end users are suffering at the hands of attackers. As a result, your data, security, and privacy policy are being compromised.

Organizations have lost millions along with the trust and reputation of customers. Similarly, the personal information of end users is being exploited due to deadly attacks.

This is why it makes sense to use spam filtering solutions.

What are spam filtering solutions and how can they help?

Spam protection and filtering solutions are software with capabilities to protect your data, systems, networks, and assets from cybersecurity risks that can come through unwanted contacts.

Cyber attackers usually send emails with harmful links and attachments. And if you or your employees end up clicking or opening them, the virus or malicious code can spread to your systems and files. This can also happen if you receive a call and are asked to go to a specific page.

It can potentially damage or corrupt your files and lead to vulnerabilities that can transform into a full-blown attack.

But if you have installed spam filtering and protection solutions, you can protect your files and systems. The software can detect and block malicious emails to prevent you from opening them.

Despite being annoying, you have to differentiate the type of calls

First of all, we would like to make an important qualification. Business calls, while they may be inappropriate, do not have to be spam in their most literal sense.

Specifically, telephone spam refers to those persistent calls that try to sell a certain product, as well as those that seek to make you call a certain number to subscribe to premium services or with dubious ethical activities.

Differentiating between business calls and spam is very important because if your bank or an operator calls you once a month or a couple of times a year, it should not be considered spam, while if it does so every day or at odd hours, it should not. It can only be considered spam but can constitute the crime of telephone harassment.

Although many users are not aware of this, it is important to know that court rulings in different countries oblige advertisers to make their commercial calls at a certain time. Therefore, they are only allowed to call on working days and hours, being strictly forbidden to do so at odd hours or during weekends.

In addition, the telemarketer who calls has the obligation to indicate to the client that they have the right to have their number removed from that database so that they do not call them again, and the company has the legal obligation not to call you again if they do so your request.

Check Spam Callers API

This API will provide you with information to check if an incoming call is a spam. With coverage for more than 60 countries. The only thing you will need is the incoming call number and you will be provided with a message if the call is spam or not.  Check Spam Callers API is ideal for those developers that need to implement a spam check in their software. Prevent your users from receiving spam calls. Also, you will be able to filter your phone’s databases and determine if those numbers are spam or not. Besides, other than the number of API calls per month, there are no other limitations. 

Why Do Companies Use The Anti Spam API?

If you want to learn more about this Check Spam Callers API, read How To Start Using The Spam Checker API

Thank you for reading Why Do Companies Use The Anti Spam API?!

Also published on Medium.

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