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Why Do Companies Use The Image Enhancer API?

We can’t deny how important it is to use high-quality images in your content, they can even help you reach more people and grow your company. That’s why using an Image Enhancer API is the key.

It’s simple to simply state that people enjoy seeing photos and leave it at that, but it’s as critical to comprehend why pictures capture our attention so much more than words. If you don’t constantly know why you’re doing anything, you’ll always be trapped taking other people’s advise rather than making your own choices. Image marketing has taken over as the dominant force online for two main reasons.

Why Do Companies Use The Image Enhancer API?

The first is as old as humanity itself: emotions and images both have a profound emotional hold on us. Sociologists, psychiatrists, marketers, and politicians have all long recognized that the proper image has the power to evoke strong feelings in us, such as compassion, joy, contempt, or even hatred. A picture can easily cover all the territory in between, express a large variety of information, or zero in on a particular idea or feeling. Just the correct image is required.

The Benefits of Compelling Images

Include photos in your digital marketing efforts, whether they be on your website or social media. It’s important you know that online content with good quality images receives 94% more views than content with bad or no images.

What Images Work Well In Digital Marketing?

There are a variety of distinct photos you may use in digital marketing to make a good impression. Website design projects with beautiful photos have higher conversion rates. There is no use in including a screenshot of a tool you use in an article that does not identify the tool you are using, therefore here we will analyze what types of photographs work well and the scenarios in which they should be utilized. Here are some photographs that, in our opinion, are effective and appropriate for use:


You can discover that the subject, commodity, or service you are promoting has been discussed by a well-known person or a recognized authority in the field. Create a graphic with their quote on it if this is the case and emphasize that they concur with your position.


A meme can greatly engage your readers if your goal is to make them grin while they read your material. Choosing a meme that people will remember will aid in increasing brand recognition. Memes are excellent for grabbing the reader’s attention and evoking feeling.


Sharing photos on your digital marketing platforms can help with audience engagement, particularly if you are sharing images of content you are writing about, events you are attending, products you are advertising, or efforts to establish a brand.

Why do we recommend the Image Enhancer API?

This API is a tool that assists people in improving the quality of all images with just a few clicks. Through several super-resolution algorithms, this API is able to improve how an image looks. 

Why Do Companies Use The Image Enhancer API?

If you have a poor-quality photo, this API will make it look better right away. 

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The user will pass the URL of the image that they want to enhance, and will be receiving a new URL with the improved image. 

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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