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Best 3 APIs To Impulse Sustainable Actions In Your Company

Do you want to encourage sustainability and climate action in your company? Are you interested in monitoring your carbon footprint? In this post, we’ll introduce you to three carbon calculator APIs that might help you achieve that task.

The global CO2 concentration has been steadily increasing. Year after year, emissions rise substantially. CO2 is required for the survival of both plants and animals in normal amounts. However, the excess of this gas contributes significantly to air pollution and the greenhouse effect. According to the UN Environment Programme, emissions must be cut by 55% by 2030 to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius.

People and organizations release greenhouse gases from their residences, automobiles, and workplaces. That’s why professionals who care about the environment work to spread the word about the ecological impact of CO2 emissions. As a result, many businesses are introducing environmentally friendly practices. One of the most effective and high-tech ways to get information about your company’s CO2 emissions is by using an API. CO2 emissions calculator APIs help to create awareness about how much CO2 is produced through an activity. In this way, different efforts can be implemented around them to lessen the carbon footprint.

Best 3 APIs To Impulse Sustainable Actions In Your Company

So if you want to assess your company’s pollution and plan actions to lessen the negative environmental effects, you might need to adopt a carbon calculator API. It will help you calculate the carbon emissions in real-time, and then you can develop methods to reduce them. We propose three alternatives here.

Try Carbon API

Best 3 APIs To Impulse Sustainable Actions In Your Company

The Try Carbon API is a friendly API to determine your environmental footprint. It provides consumers with an accurate estimate of carbon emissions. When it comes to environmental conservation, calculating one’s environmental consequences is a fantastic place to start. Try Carbon API‘s objective is to raise long-term sustainability, integrity, and accountability. It will help you focus on problematic areas from the start so you can adopt the best solutions.

Using the Try Carbon API, you can transform your company into an environmentally friendly one. This API for a carbon calculator focuses on the activities that cause emissions. When the emission factor is specified, the API calculates emissions using production, material consumption, or any other alternative unit in real time. Some of the endpoints of this API include the air quality health index, conventional energy, and public transit.


Best 3 APIs To Impulse Sustainable Actions In Your Company

Another good carbon calculator API is Cloverly. It can be used to measure and reduce behavioural greenhouse emissions. Based on particular and readily accessible data, it generates in-the-moment estimations of carbon compensation. It allows the calculation of the quantity of carbon emitted, the number of credits needed for offsetting, and the price of obtaining that compensation by using information like ship weight, destination postal codes, and other relevant variables.

Climate Trade

Best 3 APIs To Impulse Sustainable Actions In Your Company

Last but not least, another excellent choice to calculate carbon emissions is Climate Trade. Its initiatives have all undergone expert scrutiny, and as a consequence, you could be able to get recognized environmental savings. The Climate Trade Platform can be used to manage your company’s carbon-neutral activities as cheaply as possible. You may connect its API and panel to your platform and carbon-neutralize all of your products. Additionally, they provide a carbon footprint calculator that is sector-specific.

If you are interested in spurring sustainable actions in your company, a great option is the adoption of a carbon emission calculator API. In this way, you can obtain an estimate and implement mitigation solutions to lessen the negative impact. Any of the carbon emission calculators is an excellent choice for you.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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