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Best Carbon Footprint Calculators For German Companies

Do you want to know what carbon footprint companies in Germany emit? With an API you can calculate it. In this post, we will be commenting on an API that will help you with this goal.

CO2 emissions in 2020 were 636,876 megatons, with which Germany is among the ten most polluting countries in terms of carbon dioxide emissions in the ranking of countries by CO2 emissions, made up of 184 countries, in which Countries are ordered from least to most polluting.

Best Carbon Footprint Calculators For German Companies

As several European countries have done, Germany has set itself the goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2045. Within this program, they plan to reduce emissions by up to 65% by 2030 and 88% by 2040, which is quite a challenge.

The initial carbon footprint that this country estimate belongs to the year 1990. The first objective towards 2030 mainly involves sectors such as industry and transport, which are the largest emitters of greenhouse gasses.

For this reason, this country is advancing in the use of renewable energies. Another important measure that has been taken is the increase in the cost of coal-fired electricity, which is one of the largest generators of CO2. In recent years, Germany decreased 279 grams per kilowatt-hour compared to 1990, since these targets setted.

Many companies and citizens in Germany want to go along to reduce carbon emissions. For this reason, you can use a carbon footprint calculator API that is one of the most prestigious tools to be able to collaborate in combating global warming

Why An API?

This tool serves to send information to a place even if the device is in another place. What developers do is insert the API into sites and applications to have automated information on the page. In this case, you will be able to enter the current state of your carbon footprint and monitor how it reduces as you take actions such as the use of renewable energies, the increase of green spaces, etc.

If you want to save the planet, it doesn’t matter where to start. CarbonAPI is an API that can help you a lot with this goal. You only have to enter the use of energy and water to know what your initial footprint is and measure it over time.

Best Carbon Footprint Calculators For German Companies

About Carbon API

This API has a calculator that updates your information in real-time. You can freely access the API documentation to see the different possibilities that exist, depending on the sector: transport, factories, and others. This API can also help other types of institutions such as schools and hospitals. Individuals can also use it.

Being a green company will increase your business expansion. When it comes to public relations, it is now heavily weighted that industries care about carbon footprints. Many buyers are willing to pay a premium for ecologically friendly items.

On the other hand, programmers prefer it for its simplicity to inserting it into digital media. API responses can be used in JSON as well as in Python and PHP. Do not hesitate to be an ally to combat global warming. Among all human beings, we can achieve this goal to save the earth.

Published inApps, technology
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