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Best Classification Tool On The Market!

Are you a hard-working person? Do you have thousands to not say a million of files that need proper sorting? Does sorting all those files take a significant amount of time? Now you can stop worrying. Here we present to you Text Classification IAB Taxonomy.

This new content classifier offers you a new and improved way of sorting data out. The API brings a fresh system that within seconds will categorize your information. Now, it may sound difficult or expensive, but we assure you it is not. Besides, anyone who needs this kind of classifying system can easily access and use it. It’s super effortless. Whether you are working at a medical office, a local restaurant, an international clothes company, or even as someone who develops video games, you need to give this content classifier a try. Anyone in any area of business needs organization, so here is why you should try Text Classification IAB Taxonomy.

Best Classification Tool On The Market!
Classifying and organizing data will help your business.

Why is it the best then?

As was mentioned before, this API is designed so that no matter your age, work, and computer skills, you can use it. Text Classification IAB Taxonomy offers a simple and unproblematic solution for you and your data. We know how important is to have the job done quickly and efficiently, that’s exactly why this is the best API for you and your team.

How to use it

It only takes for you to pass your text’s string, it has a maximum of 5,000 characters. and it will immediately sort everything out. All your slogans, phrases, sentences, everything will be sorted out. All of your files will be sorted in different categories that only you can access with its IAB taxonomy. Therefore, this is not only extremely easy to work with but also secure. Keep in mind the benefits of easily categorizing your information. You will have a much-organized team and more time to plan everything work-related. By stressing less over your work life, your private one will upgrade as well.

Is it affordable tho?

Of course, it is! You can pick between three main packages. The first one is called “Basic”, which includes 10,000 requests for $24.99. The second one, called “Pro”, offers 100,000 requests for $49.99. And the last one is the “ProPlus” package, which provides you with 1,000,000 requests just for $99.99. The prices are listed in USD. Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system, which means that the day you subscribe to any package the cycle begins.

Anything else?

Text Classification IAB Taxonomy truly is the best classification tool in the market because of its user-friendly qualities, affordable prices and fast processing. But we can’t forget about the human side of this API. If you need more information, check the Text Classification IAB Taxonomy homepage, just click the text. There you will find all of this information and more. In case you have further questions or any problems, just email us at [email protected] or ask via chat at Zyla API Hub’s homepage from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+1) to receive assistance.

Best Classification Tool On The Market!
Text Classification IAB Taxonomy‘s homepage

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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