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Crowdlending: The technology that will modify traditional banks

The convergence between technology and the financial sector led to the emergence of various products, operators, mechanisms, platforms and payment methods. For example: PayPal, Google Wallet and bitcoin, just to mention a few. Thanks to this, we have the Fintech sector, which in Mexico has proliferated to become the country with the largest number of companies of this type in Latin America.

This “boom” of the Fintech companies is due to the support they have offered to people and SMEs in need of financing that the bank can not yet attend, which will generate a history in these platforms, then they will have a credit opportunity in traditional banking . On the other hand, for investors, fintech companies represent a new diversification tool with interesting returns.

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Under this context, growing SMEs require different offers than banks offer to obtain financing. On the other hand, investors have more investment instruments to obtain better returns. One option to achieve this is crowdlending, which, through collaborative platforms such as Cumplo, seeks to implement solutions to facilitate financing for companies and offer better rates to investors.

Crowdlending allows the financial system to be more transparent, competitive and accessible. In addition, it makes operations more efficient to increase their security and generate greater confidence in investors and companies.

The collaborative platforms allow the investor to have all the information of the requesting SME and to know with clarity and transparency the current state of the investment and financing. With this, there is greater clarity in the financial process and feedback for the investor and the company is achieved in a transparent manner.

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The advances in technology achieve a significant impact on the relationships of the financial chain, and in this way, they open new doors that allow a better follow-up of the actions.

Published inFintech
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