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Detect And Blur Human Faces Using A JSON API

Are you looking for a way to detect and blur human faces in pictures before uploading them? If so, you should use a JSON API!

In today’s world where everything is shared on social media, we need to be careful about what we share and with whom we share it with. With the ability to share pictures comes the possibility of sharing pictures that may be inappropriate, embarrassing; or even put someone in danger. Fortunately, blurring faces in pictures is a good way to protect the privacy of people. It’s also a safety measure to protect yourself from lawsuits.

If you’re unfamiliar with face blurring, it’s basically a technique used to protect someone’s identity when sharing photos online by blurring out their face so nobody can tell who they are. You may have seen this feature when reading news about witnesses testimonies; or victims speaking out againt their abuser. You’ll see that in those photos the faces of people have been blurred out so they can remain anonymous.

How Can You Blur Human Faces In 2022?

There are several ways to do so, but most of them demand effort and time from your part. Luckily there is an innovative way to quickly blur any human face present in a picture, and by using a JSON API for blurring faces.

Detect And Blur Human Faces Using A JSON API

What Is A JSON API For Blurring Faces?

A JSON API is a tool that allows you to directly access the data on a provider’s website. Users can query for data using custom specifications and HTTP GET format queries, and the data is returned in JSON format. Also, users can use the capabilities of the provider’s website without the need to instal anything on your computer. Hence, a blur face JSON API, is a tool that allows you to blur the faces of any picture in a matter of seconds.

Furthermore, a JSON API is easy to use since it only requires a computer, an internet connection, and a blur face API provider. With this tool at your disposal you’ll be able to blur all the faces in a photograph with just executing one simple API request.

Since there are multiple APIs available online, we want to help you choose the most reliable and secure API of all. For this reason, we advise you to use Face Blur API. This one is a dependable tool that allows you to blur faces swiftly and effectively in seconds.

Detect And Blur Human Faces Using A JSON API

Face Blur API employs modern artificial intelligence technology; so its software recognises and blurs each face in an image without the need for user selection. This way, you can blur human faces by just providing the URL of the image you want to edit; the rest is up to Face Blur API!

Blur Human Faces By Using A Face Blur API

1. Register at Zyla API Hub by creating an account. When you’re finished, you’ll be given an API key.

2. Authenticate your API key before making any calls by supplying your bearer token in the Authorization header.

3. Finally, perform an API call using the image URL as a parameter, and wait a few seconds.

And that’s all you need to do! Within seconds you’ll obtain a new URL with the blurred image!

Related post: Anonymize Faces In Pictures Using A Face Pixelation API

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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