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The Easiest Way To Have Coffee Rates With An API

Are you interested in the coffee market? Did you know that coffee is one of the most consumed and commercialized beverages in the world? There are more than 60 varieties of types of coffee, each one differing with the type of grinding, planting and production to acquire a unique and different flavour.

The Easiest Way To Have Coffee Rates With An API

During the last cycle of 2021, the demand for coffee rose by 60% causing coffee production in countries such as Guatemala, Colombia and Brazil to increase and generate a beneficial path for the coffee market in 2022. But entering in this market implies also know all the positive and negative points. Within the coffee marketing process, there are many factors that can slow down or ruin a harvest. Among them we can find:

– The weather, which will be a key agent for the coffee harvest, given that there could be periods of long droughts or rains that could ruin production.

– The state taxes on which the coffee producers depend are also a great factor for the prices of this to be modified, since the elaboration depends on the economy that the producers manage.

– Changes in the consumption of society, over the years, many people have sought to improve their forms of food consumption, looking for alternatives to this drink, lowering the consumption of coffee, and all these changes are seen in the market.

Now, knowing all these factors, you are ready to bet on the commercial coffee market, but for that you will need to be and stay informed at all times of how your money moves in the stock market. For that, we recommend Commodities-API.

What Is Commodities-API?

It´s an online free API server that gives you the data of commodities such as coffee, rice, corn in real time.

The Easiest Way To Have Coffee Rates With An API

How Is It Used?

Commodities-API offers an exchange in any currency, with the precision of two decimal points and with a list of 170 market products. It also includes reports from previous months or years so you can decide how to move on the market.

This are the easy steps you have to follow to use Commodities-API:

– Enter the website

– Log in

– Get an API-key

– Chose the type of product and currency with which you want to manage.

And that’s it!

For more information, check their website.

Published inTechnology
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