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Filter The Images By Brand With This API

Join us in this little explanation about our new and powerfull Brand Logo Recognition API and how it works.

What is logo recognition used for?

 Logo recognition software is used in many different ways that are described below:

Social listening and brand recognition

One of the most useful uses of logo recognition technology is brand recognition and brand monitoring across social media platforms.

In this digital marketing era, visual content is king, and brand owners may use visual listening to find crucial data and insights for their potential clients.

By utilizing software for logo identification, numerous social media monitoring firms may provide a variety of visual listening solutions with easy API connectivity.

85% of the social media photographs do not have the brand name in the logo design. Brand owners can locate photographs and videos of their logo design that have been posted on social media platforms without a mention or hashtag from the user by using a logo recognition tool.

Getting user perspectives

One of the main benefits of logo recognition is the ability to gain insightful information about your users. Brand owners can have a better understanding of how the public perceives their brand by using the YouScan tool.

They may plan, reposition, and improve their marketing initiatives using this expertise and information. Additionally, brand owners can comprehend crucial concepts in the numerous ways that their target market uses their products.

Examining large-scale events

Consider running a shoe company and sponsoring a sporting or fashion event. Athletes or models would then wear your shoes’ emblem during the ramp show.

The emblem for your shoe company is shown on several banners and in public areas. Here, increasing brand recognition is your primary objective because it will attract the interest of millions of internet users and in-person supporters.

It’s critical to understand the audience demographics who visit your logo, the context in which they do, and the level of interaction that your postings with your logo are receiving online.

Filter The Images By Brand With This API

Knowing where, how, and what contexts your brand occurs in your customers’ everyday lives is crucial when managing a significant consumer brand. Social media image analysis is a significantly more effective way to get this kind of data than market research or focus groups.

Counterfeiting monitoring

To identify fake or illegal uses of your brand’s logo, logo detection technology is frequently utilized.

Your company’s logo may be used by certain people to make counterfeit goods. The outward appearance of your product is copied in counterfeit products.

In addition, people may use your logo to post offensive stuff on social media and disseminate misleading information. This could harm your brand’s reputation and give customers a negative view of it.

Consumers can get into a lot of difficulties as a result of counterfeit activities like scams and frauds in your brand because they frequently buy a phony product under that brand’s name. The greatest approach to identify and distinguish between genuine and counterfeit brands is through logo recognition.

If you don’t add text identifying your brand’s name, it can be difficult to prevent your logo design from being stolen or used without your permission.

However, it is simple to report a phony brand logo and have it safeguarded from various unscrupulous circumstances with the aid of a logo identification program.

What about the pricing?

Well, our Brand Logo Recongnition API has four very varied plans to suit any of your needs.

The first is the non-cost and offers 50 Requests / Month.

The following is the Basic that has 10,000 Requests / Month

Next comes the Pro with 100,000 Requests/Month

And finally the Pro Plus that has 500,000 Requests / Month

But as if these four incredible plans were not enough, we also have a new custom plan so that you can adapt it to the needs that vary during the course of your business.

We hope we have convinced you to try our  Brand Logo Recongnition API

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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