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Get LME Lead Historical Rates Using An API

Do you want to get LME Lead historical rates? Then use an API!

Lead is one of the most important metals worldwide. This metal is used to make batteries and shields that surround particle accelerators. Lead’s physical properties make it an excellent metal for bullet production.

A research has demonstrated that this metal is in high demand by many countries such as China and Australia. On the other hand, lead production is expected to increase by 5.5 percent to 12.39 million tonnes. As a result, you should stay current with the market and don’t pass up the opportunity to profit by determining which option is best for you.

The best way to know if you should invest in this industry is to compare different dates of this metal and check how it has increased. We recommend using an Application Programming Interface (API) to obtain this kind of information.

About An API

With an API, you can obtain historical rates because this technology collects accurate data from various sources such as the London Metal Exchange (LME), the world’s largest exchange for industrial metals. You will be able to determine the best time to invest in this industry using this technology.

An API acts as a middleman, sending your request to the service provider and returning the result. APIs have evolved into a necessary component of the Internet. If you want to make an app, even if it’s a personal one, you’ll almost certainly need one to power it or some of its features.

Get LME Lead Historical Rates Using An API

However, not all software supports historical rates, and obtaining this technology can be challenging. As a result, Metals-API, the most comprehensive method of obtaining LME Lead rates, is recommended.

  1. Go to and get your API key.
  2. Look through the website’s list for the LME Lead symbol and currency sign that you want to use.
  3. After adding metal and money to the list with these symbols, make the API call. As a programming language, you can use JSON or PHP.
  4. Most currencies’ historical rates can be traced all the way back to 2019. By appending a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the basic URL, you can query the Metals-API API for historical rates.

The request should be written as follows:
? access_key = API_KEY
& base = LME-LEAD
& symbols = USD,CAD,EUR

As a result, the following is the end result:

"success": true,
"historical": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "LME-LEAD",
"rates": {
"USD": 1.636492,
"EUR": 1.196476,
"CAD": 1.739516

Why Metals-API?

Metals-API will delight investors, traders, and anyone else looking to buy, sell, or trade metals. This software allows you to quickly and easily find current global market prices for any metal of your choice (including nickel and silver).

Get LME Lead Historical Rates Using An API

Metals-API includes a search engine that is specifically designed for locating up-to-date price data feeds on specific elements or combinations of elements. Because the API is available in JSON and PHP formats, it can be used for a wide range of programming applications.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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