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Get the Most Out of WordPress With This Text Classification API

WordPress is a great platform for content marketers. It is easy to use and has a lot of great features. But it can be hard to find the right topics and keywords for your content. That’s where Text Classification IAB Taxonomy API comes in. Text Classification IAB Taxonomy is a great tool that helps you find the right keywords for your posts and pages with just one click! So keep reading Get the Most Out of WordPress With This Text Classification API.

Get the Most Out of WordPress With This Text Classification API

A well-structured website enhances both the user experience and its indexability, which has a significant impact on SEO. This increases the site’s visibility and consequently its traffic, creating a priceless virtuous cycle.

The key takeaway from this is that starting from clearly defined taxonomies, we can design and implement menu systems and navigation structures that are as comprehensive and varied as is practical for our website.

One of the most effective uses of taxonomies is actually organizing content through navigation structures, and as we will demonstrate in this article, WordPress offers tools that make it very easy to put this use into practice.

Edition and maintenance

Taxonomy is a system of classification in which the various types of objects are grouped together. The first thing to do when creating a taxonomy is to define the type of content that will be in it. The taxonomy can be maintained by adding new content to it, updating old content, and deleting obsolete content. WordPress is an excellent platform for managing and maintaining a taxonomy because it provides features like custom post types, custom fields, and meta boxes.

WordPress provides two sections of your Dashboard or Desktop for editing and maintaining taxonomies. Each term of the taxonomy, both of the Categories (but these above all) and of the Tags must be correctly treated through the tabs provided by WordPress. In them, we must enter a description and make sure that the URL of your page is consistent.

In addition, periodically, we must review the taxonomies to avoid inconsistencies, for example, to merge two Tags if they are synonymous, although the great contradiction is that the editing actions that imply the elimination of Tags or Categories imply the elimination of pages of the site, so we have to proceed with care in this regard. We can always proceed with the redirects, but it is still a lesser evil.

Other actions that we can carry out, much more benign, are to refine the descriptions associated with each component of the taxonomy. In summary: it is convenient to review the taxonomies and actions that do not imply the modification of the URL of each term, but only its description and/or the word used to represent them, are welcome.

Get the Most Out of WordPress With This Text Classification API: Text Classification IAB Taxonomy

The Content Taxonomy has evolved over time to provide publishers with a consistent and easy way to organize their website content. For example, to differentiate “sports” vs. “news” vs. “wellness” material. IAB Tech Lab’s Content Taxonomy specification provides additional utility for minimizing the risk that content categorization signals could generate sensitive data points about some things. Some examples are race, politics, religion, or other personal characteristics that could result in discrimination.

Get the Most Out of WordPress With This Text Classification API

Some frequent questions…

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)? Just pass the text that you want to categorize and you will get its IAB taxonomy. Simple as that!

What are the most common uses cases of this API? This API is helpful for businesses that need to sort large amounts of data by category. Thus, by categorizing the text, you will be able to collect it. Additionally, perfect for marketing companies that want to extract data from the internet and categorize it. Additionally helpful for categorizing phrases or catchphrases, IAB standards will provide precise classification.

Are there any limitations with your plans?

Besides API call limitations per month:

Testing Plan: 5 requests per second.
Basic: 10 requests per second.
Pro: 30 requests per second.
Pro+: 60 requests per second.

If you want to know more about this API we recommend…

Classify Any Text You Want And Improve Your Business With This API

Thank You For Reading Get the Most Out of WordPress With This Text Classification API

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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