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How To Get Accurate Site Data Like Traffic?

Are you trying to find a good tool that can help you get accurate site data? You should keep reading this post!

One of the most used terms in marketing today is analytics. In case you were unaware, analytics is the evaluation and recognition of significant patterns in data. Although analytics are utilized in many fields, including marketing, logistics, sales optimization, and other areas, website traffic is the most popular application of analytics.

Why it’s important to measure? Marketing experts, for instance, are better equipped to create and modify an overall marketing strategy by examining the information offered by a Site Traffic API such as:

Number of sessions (visits)

In our opinion, the focal point of any international marketing plan should be a website. Total visits is one of the first variables we examine. With a site traffic API, you can examine more than just the overall number of website visitors and determine the effectiveness of specific CTAs (call to actions) and keyword strategies.

How To Get Accurate Site Data Like Traffic?

Bounce Rate

The percentage of single-page website visits is known as the bounce rate (expressed as a%). Simply put, it tells us what percentage of website visitors only viewed one page before leaving. Of course, we want to keep this number as low as possible. A high bounce rate could be caused by a variety of variables. A high bounce rate typically indicates a lack of pertinent material, usability problems, bad presentation, etc. It should be noted that having “single-page” visitors doesn’t always indicate that your website’s development and design are flawed.


A website traffic checker automatically divides incoming website traffic into many types of channels, such as direct, organic search, referral, email, paid search, other advertising, social, and display. You can instantly segment your traffic sources using these groupings, and you can also spot particular patterns of behavior for each source.


Engagement is frequently neglected as a crucial factor in analyzing and comprehending website visitor behavior. Visitors’ engagement is measured by how long they stay on your website and how many pages they view. Depending on your business goals and the nature of your website, visitors should stay on it for the ideal period of time. While greater stickiness and valuable content may contribute to an increase in the engagement indicator, it may also reveal trends that indicate users are having trouble finding the information they need.

To get accurate data about a website you should try Site Traffic API

With Site Traffic API you can get a lot of information about from where any site gets its traffic.

How To Get Accurate Site Data Like Traffic?

What your API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

To check the traffic to any website, all you need is a URL or domain, and they will provide you all the information you need. By country, engagement metrics (such as average visit duration and bounce rate, as well as pages per visit), monthly visits, and traffic sources, you may get information about your traffic. Right, they obtain their clients via online searches. Do sponsored advertisements drive the greatest traffic to them? This API will teach you that.

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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