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How To Get Coal Historical Rates Using An API

Are you interested in investing in the coal market? Did you know that you can get previous reports to invest wisely? Do it through a commodities prices API!

Coal is a fossil fuel that is the end result of a series of transformations on plant remnants that collected in marshes, lagoons, and river deltas during the Carboniferous Period of the Primary Era. Carbonization occurs when these veggies are changed into carbon as a result of different chemical reactions and fluctuations in pressure and temperature over lengthy periods of time.

The most major uses for coal are as a home and industrial fuel. In the steel industry, as a reducer. Also is it use as a fuel source in thermal power plants. There are four varieties of charcoal, according to the various types of plants from which they are derived, as well as the time and conditions under which they are produced (pressure and temperature of the carbonization process). They are as follows:

How To Get Coal Historical Rates Using An API

– Anthracite: This is a hard, carbonized coal. Very little and brilliant. With an iridescent luster and a black hue.

– Coal: it is a hard, completely carbonized coal. The color is glossy black. Bands range from pearly sheen to brilliant and matte.

– Lignite: dark brown. It is a soft coal from the Carboniferous period (similar to peat), hence it has not been completely carbonized. It has a brittle luster and the look of charred wood.

– Peat: this is the most recent coal. It is soft, brown, matt, and light in weight, with plant remnants visible.

Due to all these characteristics, charcoal still remains one of the most traded foodstuffs in the commodity market. That is why many market traders are still selling it. To keep up to date with coal prices and movements, there are currency exchange platforms. One recommendation of ours is the Commodities-API website.

What Is Commodities-API?

Commodities-API is a web page that is dedicated to making economic exchanges through an API, a computer software. On the platform they are dedicated to looking for the prices of market commodities and returning them to the client, among them are coffee, oat grains, fuel, rice, coal, live cattle, among many others.

How To Get Coal Historical Rates Using An API

What Are The Procedures To Log In?

Commodities-API has the quality of being very easy and practical to use. To do this, you have to follow the steps shown below:

• Go to the website and create an account.

• Select a currency and a product in which you want to invest.

• Create an API request on the dashboard and wait for the program to respond with an API response.

And with that, you are ready to start your investment!

Is A Site Protected Against Cyber Attacks?

Yes, Commodities-API uses SSL encryption to protect web-to-web connections. This type of security is used by financial institutions as this API receives data from financial institutions such as the World Bank.

Does It Provide Reliable Data?

The API sells commodity data and, most importantly, in real time with two decimal point precision and a frequency of 60 seconds. Commodities-API aims to have a solid foundation in building a back-end architecture that ensures high availability and response times of less than 50 milliseconds for defined API calls.

Is It Possible To Obtain Reports For Subsequent Months?

Yes, before August 2021. To do so, you can search for reports for days, weeks, months and even years on the Commodities-API website. To do so, you have to go to the dropdown menu to do so.

Published inAppsTechnology
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