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How To Get Coffee Hourly Rates Using An API

If you desire to get hourly coffee prices in order to invest in the stock market, then you should take a look at this tool.

A large percentage of the world despises the idea of waking up in the morning without a cup of coffee. This is a brewed drink made out of roasted coffee beans that has a stimulating effect because of its caffeine content. Since individuals experiment with it more each year, the number of different ways it can be presented is unlimited.

So, given that it is one of the most popular drinks on the planet, what is its global production like? Brazil was the world’s greatest coffee producer in 2019, producing about 45 million 60-kilogram bags. This is unsurprising given that Brazil has held the top spot for almost 150 years. It is followed by Vietnam, which has a population of over 25 million people, and Colombia, which has a population of almost 14 million people.

If you want to invest in this industry, you need to be up to date on coffee rates every hour because it moves so much money and changes so quickly. Because of this, you should definitely use an API if you wish to acquire hourly coffee rates.

How To Get Coffee Hourly Rates Using An API

What is an API?

An API is a programmatic interface that allows you to retrieve data from a location and have it delivered to you immediately. This gives you and your customers access to hourly coffee rates at any time.

To get access to this, you’ll need to find software that supports commodity price tracking and provides an API. This could be a difficult chore because not all software is created equal and may not be able to provide you with the information you need.

As a result, there is a fantastic platform that could meet your needs: To save time and effort, use Commodities-API, one of the most effective and comprehensive commodities rate tools currently available. 

Why Commodities-API?

Commodities-API started out as a simple, lightweight Open-Source API that provided current and historical commodity rates from banks and stock exchanges. With a two-decimal-point precision and a 60-second frequency, this API can provide hourly commodities prices. Only a few of the functions include delivering exchange rates for nearly any commodity, precious metals, converting single currencies, returning Time-Series data, and volatility data.

How To Get Coffee Hourly Rates Using An API

Moreover, this platform supports rice, wheat, coffee, corn, sugar, natural gas, Brent crude oil, WTI crude oil, soybeans, gold, silver, and a variety of other commodities.

This program also receives data from banks and the stock market via an API, making it completely trustworthy. After that, the data is provided with two decimal places of precision and can be converted to JSON, PHP, or Python. Commodities-API also encrypts your connection with bank-grade 256-bit SSL encryption.

How to employ it?

You must complete the following steps to acquire hourly coffee rates:

1- Go to to get started. Following that, you’ll receive your unique API key.

2- Look for the coffee and money symbols that you desire.

3- Using these icons, add the commodity and money to the dashboard. Once you’ve settled on them, make the API call.

4- The website will provide an API that you may change, use, and adapt as needed in a variety of computer languages.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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