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How To Get Historical LME Steel HRC China Rates With An API

Do you want to compare LME Steel HRC China prices? We’ll show the tools you’ll need for this project in this post.

The most common finished steel form in the global steel industry is a hot-rolled coil (HRC), which serves as the foundation for several steel-based industrial goods. Hot-rolled coils are used in a variety of applications, including pipelines, cars, trains, and shipyards. After being processed at a high temperature, steel is rolled into hot-rolled coils.

After being cast onto a steel slab, the molten steel is rolled into a coil. Hot-rolled coils must be cooled. To be employed, hot-rolled coils do not need to be aesthetically faultless, and this fact is taken into account when calculating hr coil cost.

How To Get Historical  LME Steel HRC China Rates With An API

End-user demand, manufacturing costs, rivalry with local and international suppliers, and the nations’ and worldwide financial situations all influence the rates of resources used in the hot-rolled coil consuming sectors.

HRC prices are determined by a variety of factors, just as they are for other steel-consuming items. Hot-rolled coils are produced utilizing cutting-edge procedures and technology under stringent quality control. The width, thickness, weight, steel quality, and intended use all influence the price of a hot-rolled coil.

China is one of HRC’s most important markets. It is, however, difficult to locate their cost. Furthermore, it’s important to watch historical rates to compare values along the time and decide the best moment to invest. For this reason, an API is a superior tool for maximizing your investments. It’s an interface that sends information between two devices. Metals-API helps you follow live pricing and overtime so you can select the optimum time to buy in LME Steel HRC China if you need to compare past prices.

How To Subscribe To Metals-API

  1. Visit to obtain an API key.
  2. Choose a metal (STEEL-HR)and a monetary unit to work with.
  3. Add metal and currency to your list before connecting to the API with these symbols. You may also pick from several different programming languages and price points.
  4. You must press the “run” button to finish the mission.
    On your screen, the API should appear like this:
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "STEEL-HR",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.566015,
"CAD": 1.560132,
"CHF": 1.154727,
"CNY": 7.827874,
"GBP": 0.882047,
"JPY": 132.360679,
"USD": 1.23396,

Why Metals-API?

It’s updated every 60 seconds and has a large range of metals to choose from. Metals-API provides you with live and fluctuation market pricing. You can choose from a wide range of metals and currencies. It works with a broad variety of devices.

How To Get Historical  LME Steel HRC China Rates With An API

It gathers data on metal prices from some of the world’s most important financial organizations and banks (in this case, London Metals Exchange). Commercial publications are given more weight since they better represent market exchange, especially for major currencies and commodities.

Published inAppsTechnology
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