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How To Get LME Steel Rebar Turkey Historical Rates With An API

Do you want to get historical reates of steel rebar? You need to read this post!

Steel Rebar is used for the building business. It is the basic element for thinking about the construction of offices, houses, and skyscrapers. The fundamental ingredient for reinforcing steel (also known as rebar) is iron ore. Steel is used in concrete to increase strength since concrete is weak in tension and steel is strong in both tension and compression.

How To Get LME Steel Rebar Turkey Historical Rates With An API

Steel and concrete have similar coefficients of thermal expansion, which implies that the structure’s structural sections, such as beams, columns, and slabs, feel less charged when the temperature changes (during the day and night, season to season).

The London Metal Exchange is the official entity that gives steel rebar values. Not all the APIs have this data and if you’re investing in the construction sector, you might want to keep track of this pricing. Also, you should use an API that allows you to compare historical rates to decide the best moment to invest.

For achieving this goal is necessary to use the right AP that is a gadget that links two devices and transmits data. Metals-API is an API that will assist you in making the finest investments in LME Steel Rebar Turkey since it allows you to monitor current pricing as well as price fluctuations over time.

How Can I Become A Member Of Metals-API?

  1. Visit to obtain an API key.
  2. Pick your favorite metal and currency.
  3. Add metal (STEEL-RE) and currency to your list before connecting to the API with these symbols. You may also pick from many different programming languages and price points.
  4. You must use the “run” button to fulfill the objective.
    On your screen, the API should appear like this:

To get historical rates, this is the API request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& base = STEEL-RE
& symbols = USD,CAD,EUR

An this is the API response:

"success": true,
"historical": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "STEEL-RE",
"rates": {
"USD": 1.636492,
"EUR": 1.196476,
"CAD": 1.739516

Why Metals-API?

It’s updated every 60 seconds and has a large range of metals to choose from. Metals-API access provides you with the most up-to-date market price. The prior price will also be taken into account. It has a wide range of metals and currencies to choose from. It works with a broad variety of devices.

How To Get LME Steel Rebar Turkey Historical Rates With An API

It gathers data on metal prices from the largest financial organizations and banks. Commercial sources are given a larger weighting since they better represent market exchange, especially for major currencies and metals.

Published inAppsTechnology
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