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How To Introduce Voices To Stop Motion Videos With TTS?

Generating videos with stop motion is a resource that you can take advantage of to use for your networks. It is good to create these different types of videos so as not to always use the simple video resource.

What is stop motion?

Stop motion is a cinematographic technique in which, through a succession of still images, the movement of static objects is simulated. An inanimate object is manipulated in small movements that are photographed, and later that combination of images allows to create the illusion that that object moves alone, the illusion of something alive is created.

Necessary elements:

 A tripod, a camera, and some animation programs are enough.

How To Introduce Voices To Stop Motion Videos With TTS?

Some of the apps that can be used: 

I Stop Motion: one of the most complete apps to make a stop motion. With it you can control and manipulate different parameters necessary for animation. The stops motion technique, such as the focus lock so that the camera does not go crazy every time we shoot.

Stop motion studio: The Stop Motion Studio application allows you to create, frame by frame, your animated videos in high quality.

In addition, you can import the photos from your library with a single touch, apply effects, add titles.

To add sound to all these videos you can use a text to audio converter. With them, you can get the audio in MP3 and add it to the video. That way you will have an incredible stop motion.

How is this?

It is software that allows you to enter text, images or PDF files and in just a few seconds the audio will be ready. 

Woord is a TTS that converts text into voices with incredible quality thanks to the artificial intelligence of the algorithms. Additionally, Woord has male and female voices available. Users can customize all their content. Finally, the user can set the conversion speed.

How To Introduce Voices To Stop Motion Videos With TTS?

How to access it?

1. Entering Woord is really very simple: you just have to enter in your favorite search engine.

2. Introduce the text you want to convert

3. The speed of it

4. Select the language

5. Choose the type of voice (if feminine, masculine or neutral).

Published inAppsTechnology
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