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Text To Speech Online For Castbox Podcast

In this article, you can find a text to speech online to add voice to your Castbox podcast.

Castbox is a free podcast distribution app. As of 2019, it offered approximately one million podcasts. Including approximately 20 million users. There is also a premium platform. Waze integrated with Castbox in June 2019. Allowing playback controls to pause, skip, or restart episodes.

Castbox is a podcasting company based in Hong Kong. The company hosts as well as produces its podcasts.

Interacting with fans is one of the functions that Castbox has. This is why it enables commenting, sharing, and other social features that will engage your listeners and get noticed.

Text To Speech Online For Castbox Podcast

A text to audio converter can be used to create the audio for podcasts. This can help CastBox content creators a lot because it will allow them to create audios professionally. In addition, it helps you create content quickly. Because it is enough to have the content written to be able to convert it into audio.

How is this?

It is software that allows you to enter text, images, or PDF files and in just a few seconds the audio will be ready. 

Woord is a software TTS that converts text into voices with incredible quality. Thanks to the artificial intelligence of the algorithms. On the other hand, it has a wide number of languages ​​available to use such as English in all its varieties such as (USA, UK), French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Mexican, Argentine, Canadian, Japanese, among many others.

Text To Speech Online For Castbox Podcast

Additionally, Woord has male and female voices available. This is why people are very comfortable using Woord. Since they can customize all their content. Finally, the user can set the conversion speed.

How to access it?

1. Entering Woord is really very simple: you just have to enter in your favorite search engine.

2. Enter the text you want to convert

3. The speed of it

4. Select the language

5. Choose the type of voice (if feminine, masculine or neutral).

6.Click on “SPEAK IT”

There is also a paid Woord subscription. In which the user can access unlimited character conversion. Do not forget that the subscription can be canceled at any time and you can pay by debit, credit, or pay pal.

Published inAppsTechnology
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