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How To Obtain Nickel Fluctuation Data With An API

Are you looking for nickel fluctuation data? You should try this API!

It’s a glossy silvery-white metal with a faint golden hue. Nickel is a transition metal that is both hard and ductile. Nickel is corrosion-resistant because it oxidizes slowly in the presence of air at ambient temperature.

How To Obtain Nickel Fluctuation Data With An API

Stainless steel, alnico magnets, coinage, rechargeable batteries, electric guitar strings, microphone capsules, plating on plumbing fixtures, and special alloys are just a few of the industrial and consumer items that include nickel. In the cemented tungsten carbide or hard metal industry, nickel is employed as a binder in amounts of 6 percent to 12 percent by weight.

The nickel market is very dynamic, so you need to be updated on the values every day. If you need this metal for your business you should compare prices to find the best moment to invest. For this purpose, you need to use an API.

An API is a piece of software that allows two applications on separate computers to communicate with one another. A mobile phone, connected to the internet, sends data to a server. Before being transferred back to your phone, data is recorded, evaluated, and appropriate security measures are implemented. Then, the computer analyzes the data and presents it.

If you need to compare numbers over time, Metals-API is a good solution. It’s the most recent API for this purpose, and it works with a wide range of metals and currencies. Every minute, it collects and updates all critical data from the world’s most prominent financial institutions. It offers fluctuation data of metals so you can optimize your investments.

It’s easy to sign up:

  1. will supply you with an API key.
  2. To get the one you want, look for a list of nickel symbols (NI) and monetary signs on the internet.
  3. Make the API call once you’ve added metal and money to the list of symbols.
  4. You have the choice of utilizing JSON or PHP as a programming language.

This is the API request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& start_date = 2015-12-01
& end_date = 2015-12-24

And this is the API response:


Why Metals-API?

Metals-API is one of the most accurate and reliable API tools on the market. It gets data every minute from roughly 15 credible sources. Banks and financial data companies are among them. As a result, you’ll have a precise estimate of how much it will cost.

How To Obtain Nickel Fluctuation Data With An API

Bitcoin and Litecoin are among the more than 170 currencies, commodities, and cryptocurrencies accepted. The JSON API (JavaScript Object Notation) reduces the requirement for each program to write its ad hoc code to connect to servers that communicate in a certain way.

Published inAppsTechnology
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