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How To Validate CNPJ Numbers With An API

The CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) is the Brazilian equivalent of a Tax ID or company registration number. It is issued by the Brazilian government through its tax authority, Receita Federal, and is assigned to all legal entities operating in Brazil.

The CNPJ serves as an essential identification tool for businesses, enabling the government to track and regulate their activities. It ensures transparency and compliance by verifying the legal existence, registration status, and financial information of companies.

When a business applies for a CNPJ, it undergoes a validation process conducted by the Receita Federal. This process includes verifying the company’s legal documentation, such as its articles of incorporation, registration forms, and tax obligations.

Once a company obtains it, it gains access to various benefits and obligations. It allows the entity to engage in legal transactions, such as opening bank accounts, issuing invoices, and participating in government contracts.

Additionally, enables the government to monitor tax compliance, making it easier to track a company’s revenue, expenses, and tax payments. Companies are required to publicly display their CNPJ on their websites, invoices, and other official documents.

This transparency helps customers, suppliers, and partners validate the legitimacy of a business before engaging in transactions. It fosters trust and accountability within the Brazilian business environment.

However, there are only a few tools that easily allow you to check that this number is valid. In this post we are going to tell you everything about how you can perform this task with an API, and because in the end, it is the best option!

How To Validate CNPJ Numbers With An API

How Can You Validate A Company ID With An API?

The CNPJ API allows validating Brazilian companies efficiently and accurately. Its role in validating Brazilian enterprises contributes to a more secure and reliable business environment in Brazil.

Using this API, you can verify the authenticity of the CNPJ, validate business information, and perform tax compliance checks. It provides a reliable technological solution for the validation of companies in Brazil.

For example, if you put the company’s CNPJ (in this example, “33000167/0956-50”) into the “GET COMPANY DATA BY CNPJ”, the API will return the following information endpoint:

"status": true,
"mensagem": "",
"dados": {
"cnpj": "00360305000104",
"razao_social": "CAIXA ECONOMICA FEDERAL",
"nome_fantasia": "CEF MATRIZ",
"data_criacao": "03/02/1971",
"natureza_juridica": "2011 - EMPRESA PUBLICA",
"cnae_principal": "6423900 - Caixas econômicas",
"data_situacao": "03/11/2005",
"situacao": "Ativa",
"porte": "Demais",
"capital_social": "R$,00",
"endereco": {
"logradouro": "SETOR BANCARIO SUL QUADRA 04",
"numero": "34",
"complemento": "BLOCO A",
"bairro": "ASA SUL",
"cep": "70092900",
"uf": "DF",
"municipio": "BRASILIA"
"telefones": [
"61 35218600"
"email": "",
"cnaes_secundarios": []
"socios": [
"documento_socio": "71372083715",
"nome_socio": "CLAUDIO SALITURO",
"data_entrada": "03/04/2019",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"
"documento_socio": "46786899072",
"nome_socio": "JAIR LUIS MAHL",
"data_entrada": "28/12/2018",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"
"documento_socio": "***836740**",
"data_entrada": "08/08/2019",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"
"documento_socio": "***494651**",
"data_entrada": "29/07/2019",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"
"documento_socio": "***633087**",
"data_entrada": "28/07/2020",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"
"documento_socio": "69550301168",
"data_entrada": "24/09/2020",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"

How Can You Start Using CNPJ Lookup API?

How To Validate CNPJ Numbers With An API
  • To get started, navigate to CNPJ Lookup API and click the “START FREE TRIAL” button.
  • You will be able to use the API after joining Zyla API Hub!
  • Utilize the API endpoint.
  • Then, by pressing the “test endpoint” button, you may make an API request and see the results shown on the screen. And that’s it, super easy!

Related Post: How To Get A Company Logo With An API In A Quick And Easy Way

Published inAPI
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