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Maximize Your SEO Efforts With Site Traffic API

Are you a developer trying to find an API to maximize your SEO efforts? This is your lucky day!

SEO is a challenging, ever-changing field. If you want to be successful, you need to constantly monitor the latest developments and make adjustments to your strategy. This is why it is important to have the best tools available. It can save you a lot of time and money. An API can give you valuable information about your website’s traffic. You can use this information to improve your SEO strategy and make strategic decisions about your website.

An Alternative API To Google Analytics is an application programming interface that provides data about website traffic. This data can be used to improve SEO, marketing, and other aspects of your website. There are many on the market, but not all of them are created equal. Some of them are more accurate than others, and some are more affordable or offer more features.

Maximize Your SEO Efforts With Site Traffic API

A website’s monthly visitors, engagement metrics like average visit time, bounce rate, and pages per visit, as well as information on the country from which visitors are originating (the traffic source), may all be obtained with the use of this API.

The number of visitors your website has during a certain time frame is what is referred to as its traffic. Your website will receive more visitors as traffic grows. You may gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by keeping track of website traffic to see how effectively your content is interacting with your target demographic.

Site Traffic API

Maximize Your SEO Efforts With Site Traffic API

Developers will be able to sort databases using their own criteria with the aid of this API. Are you curious to see which URLs receive the most traffic? The pages with the greatest bounce rates could be worth your attention. Which URLs entice users to stick around the longest? Using this API, you may evaluate the performance of your own page. The measured data enables assumptions to be made regarding user behavior. Learn how much the ranks and pages are worth. 

All You Need To Do To Make Use Of It Is:

  • To use the API, go to Site Traffic API and click the “START FREE TRIAL” button.
  • You’ll be prepared to use the API once you’ve registered in the Zyla API Hub.
  • Use the various API endpoints based on what you’re trying to find.
  • Once you’ve located the required endpoint, use the “test endpoint” button to initiate an API request and view the results on your screen.

Simply pass the webpage or URL that you want to visit. A breakdown of the traffic by country, monthly visits, engagement metrics like average visit duration, bounce rate, and pages per visit, as well as the traffic sources, will also be provided. Correct, they find their customers through online searches. Are sponsored adverts the ones that bring in the most visitors? You will learn that through this API.

The “Country List” and “Traffic Source and Overview” endpoints of this API are available to developers. For the sake of this demonstration, we asked the API for the following response using the “Country List” Endpoint:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [{"name":"Afghanistan","alpha-2":"AF","alpha-3":"AFG","country-code":"004","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AF","region":"Asia","sub-region":"Southern Asia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"142","sub-region-code":"034","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Åland Islands","alpha-2":"AX","alpha-3":"ALA","country-code":"248","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AX","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Northern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"154","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Albania","alpha-2":"AL","alpha-3":"ALB","country-code":"008","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AL","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Southern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"039","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Algeria","alpha-2":"DZ","alpha-3":"DZA","country-code":"012","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:DZ","region":"Africa","sub-region":"Northern Africa","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"002","sub-region-code":"015","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"American Samoa","alpha-2":"AS","alpha-3":"ASM","country-code":"016","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AS","region":"Oceania","sub-region":"Polynesia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"009","sub-region-code":"061","intermediate-region-code":""},


You will be given a list of all the supported nations together with their codes, as you can see. The traffic analysis will include the code. 


Don’t submit HTTP or HTTPS requests using this Data Engineer API. Additionally, refrain from starting the domain with www. Just the domain, such as “,” “,” etc., please. Additionally, subdomains are not supported. only the root domains.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology
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