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Site Traffic API: The Key To Better SEO Results

If you’re looking for a way to improve your SEO results, you may want to consider using an API.

SEO is a difficult and dynamic industry. An API can help you get information about your website’s traffic, including information about where your visitors are coming from, how many visits you receive on average, and more. This information can be used to help you improve your website’s performance, and it can also help you better understand your audience.

You can acquire data about the traffic to your website using an Alternative API To Google Analytics. This includes details about the sources of your visitors (such as search engines, other websites, social media), the typical number of visits you get, and more.

Site Traffic API: The Key To Better SEO Results

An API like this one can help you track this data over time in addition to delivering it, so you can observe how your traffic is developing over time. Businesses that wish to monitor their success and determine how their marketing initiatives are affecting their traffic may find this to be helpful.

Your website’s traffic is the total number of users it receives over a predetermined period of time. As traffic increases, your website will see an increase in visits. You may monitor website traffic to determine how well your content is connecting with your target audience and use that information to evaluate the success of your marketing campaigns.

There are many different APIs available, so it can be difficult to choose the right one for your needs. However, we recommend Site Traffic API for its accuracy and ease of use.

Site Traffic API

Site Traffic API: The Key To Better SEO Results

With the help of this API, developers will be able to sort databases according to their own criteria. Are you interested in finding out which URLs get the most traffic? It can be worthwhile to pay attention to the pages with the highest bounce rates. Which URLs encourage visitors to stay the longest? You can assess your own page’s performance using this API. Assumptions about user behavior can be established using the measured data. Find out the value of the ranks and pages. 

All You Need To Do To Make Use Of It Is:

  • To use the API, go to Site Traffic API and click the “START FREE TRIAL” button.
  • You’ll be prepared to use the API once you’ve registered in the Zyla API Hub.
  • Use the various API endpoints based on what you’re trying to find.
  • Once you’ve located the required endpoint, use the “test endpoint” button to initiate an API request and view the results on your screen.

Just enter the URL of the website you wish to visit. There will also be a breakdown of the traffic by country, monthly visits, engagement metrics such as average visit time, bounce rate, and pages per visit, and the traffic sources. True, they come across their clients through web searches. Do sponsored advertisements draw in the most users? This API will teach you that.

Developers can access the “Country List” and “Traffic Source and Overview” endpoints of this API. Using the “Country List” Endpoint, we requested the following answer from the API for the purpose of this demonstration:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [{"name":"Afghanistan","alpha-2":"AF","alpha-3":"AFG","country-code":"004","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AF","region":"Asia","sub-region":"Southern Asia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"142","sub-region-code":"034","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Åland Islands","alpha-2":"AX","alpha-3":"ALA","country-code":"248","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AX","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Northern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"154","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Albania","alpha-2":"AL","alpha-3":"ALB","country-code":"008","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AL","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Southern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"039","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Algeria","alpha-2":"DZ","alpha-3":"DZA","country-code":"012","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:DZ","region":"Africa","sub-region":"Northern Africa","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"002","sub-region-code":"015","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"American Samoa","alpha-2":"AS","alpha-3":"ASM","country-code":"016","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AS","region":"Oceania","sub-region":"Polynesia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"009","sub-region-code":"061","intermediate-region-code":""},


As you can see, you will be given a list of all the supported countries along with their codes. The code will be included in the traffic analysis. 


Use of this Data Engineer API for HTTP or HTTPS requests is not going to work. Moreover, avoid beginning the domain with www. Please only include the domain, such as “,” “,” etc. Subdomains are not supported either. merely root domains.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology
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