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Reasons To Employ The User Agent Generator API

The term “handwriting recognition” is most frequently used to refer to a computer’s capacity to convert written text from human handwriting. In order to do this, there are two options: either scan the text that has been typed, or directly type into a peripheral input device. Although this technology has advanced significantly recently, not all software is of the same caliber or precision. so continue reading. This API Can Find Handwritten Text in Document Images; we will tell you about User Agent Generator API; a software that will allow you to take full advantage of this.

Reasons To Employ The User Agent Generator API

What are search engine crawlers?

Search engine crawlers, also known as crawlers, robots, or crawling bots, our services or user-agents; depending on the terminology, that browse websites to analyze them and collect information. With that information, search engines, like Google, evaluate each website, its pages; and its content, to determine its position in the SERPs.

Most crawlers adhere to the directives listed in robots.txt files, but not all.

Googlebot and crawlers from popular web browsers such as Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, or Yandex do follow instructions in robots.txt files, but other crawlers may not.

Can I avoid indexing? Yes, With User Agent Generator API

Be careful, preventing the Google bot from crawling a page is not the same as preventing it from indexing it or preventing both crawlers and users from accessing it.

With robots.txt we can ensure that Google or other search engines do not crawl certain pages; preventing your website from being overloaded with requests to pages or content that we are not interested in being crawled. In this way, we will ensure that the crawlers do not waste time on said pages or content; which we may not want to be indexed either, thus optimizing our SEO with respect to the crawl budget.

But robots.txt is not a mechanism to keep a web page out of the index of Google or another search engine. If you don’t want a page to be indexed by Google or other search engines; use noindex directives or protect it with a password.

What is the crawl budget?

Search engine resources are finite. Google and other search engines have to assign their crawlers resources; limited by time or other factors such as crawl frequency, to navigate and analyze each website. We call the crawl budget or search budget, the finite resources that a search engine allocates to crawling a website.

Google and other search engines do not assign the same crawl budget for all websites. It is logical: for example, a new corporate website that we have just published or a small blog, will not have the same resources allocated for its tracking; as a prestigious online newspaper. Depending on the authority, accessibility, content quality, and even the speed of the website, search engines allocate more or fewer resources for their crawlers to crawl your different pages.

Nor is the crawl budget equally relevant for SEO on all websites, being more relevant on sites that have a large number of pages (for example, an eCommerce that includes a catalog with thousands of references), than on websites with fewer pages. pages, such as a simple corporate page.

Especially if our website has a very high size a number of pages, and indexable elements, we will be interested in indicating to search engines the priority pages to crawl on our site, making the most of our crawl budget.

In short, we can optimize our SEO by telling Googlebot and the rest of the crawlers how to use the search budget to crawl the most valuable pages of our website. And that’s where robots.txt comes in.

User Agent Generator API

So, User Agent Generator API is an extensive database of (325.000+ user agent strings) user-agent strings which are quickly accessible with a simple endpoint. We offer to filter the random results with many parameters such as operating system, device type, and browser. Generate random User Agents with this API for your projects. Be able to scrape or access any website as the User Agent of your choice.

Reasons To Employ The User Agent Generator API

This API will receive the selected device and operating systems of your choice and it will deliver a randomly generated User Agent.  After signing up, every developer gets a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to the API endpoint. To authenticate with the User Agent Generator API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.

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Thank You For Reading Reasons To Employ The User Agent Generator API!

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