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Tag: Medtech

Graz based startup already has 6 million Euros capital

The Graz-based MedTech startup SteadySense is launching temperature-based fertility measurement patches. In the background is a million investment by Grazer eQventure. “The temperature method for determining the time of ovulation is rightly criticized,” says Werner Koele, founder of the Graz startup SteadySense, “because if you’re not extremely accurate, it is…

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How a MedTech startup managed to successfully launch its project

The Graz based MedTech startup SteadySense is launching temperature based fertility measurement patches. In the background is a million investment by Grazer eQventure. According to Werner Koele, founder of the Graz startup SteadySense, the temperature method for determining the time of ovulation is rightly criticized. This was because if you’re…

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Why is Fintech the most profitable business? Everything you need to know about this

200 million francs to celebrate its 200th anniversary: The Swiss bank Credit Suisse announced on the anniversary of its founding father Alfred Escher that it will invest more in venture capital than before. Instead of the currently estimated 130 million francs, future 200 million francs will flow into various fields…

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