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Use A Commodities Rates API To Create Charts For Potato Prices

Do you want to create charts for potato prices? In this post, we’ll present a commodities rates API to do this.

The potato is one of the most important crops related to the food industry at an international level. Humans consume it in third place, after rice and wheat. Regularly, it is estimated that people consume 50 kilos of potatoes per year. Globally, the world crop is close to 300 million tons.

Use A Commodities Rates API To Create Charts For Potato Prices

There are dozens of potato kinds worldwide. Most exist in South America. They can be differentiated both by their sizes and their colors. In addition, some species may be resistant to pests. It also propagates vegetatively. Does this mean that it is a magical plant? No. But simply planting a tuber or a piece of potato can easily reproduce. For this reason, the food that we see later in packages, and the richest forms, is such a special plant.

Approximately one hectare of potatoes produces almost four times more than other cereal crops. That is why it is such a beneficial food. There are more than one hundred countries that are dedicated daily to the cultivation of this food. 60% of global production comes from developing countries.

In 2020, contrary to other economies, potato production grew tremendously. It reached 359 million tons and could increase to 500 million tons by 2025. Furthermore, by 2030 it is expected to increase to 750 million tons.

Use An API To Create Charts

So far we have seen how productive the potato is around the world. For this reason, it is very necessary to keep abreast of the dynamism of your harvest and its prices. Most people follow this activity through digital media dedicated to raw materials. To obtain this information in real-time and with true sources, it is necessary to use an API.

The API is a programming interface that transfers all kinds of information to various devices. In this case, you need one that can provide you with real-time potato spot and futures rates. Commodities-API can be the alternative for this as it provides authoritative information in various international currencies.

With this API you can create graphics to communicate with your audience more easily. You will be able to juxtapose different details with them, such as the prices of potatoes in pesos, Peruvian soles, dollars, euros, and currencies that you want. You can also compare it with other raw materials such as wheat or rice.

Use A Commodities Rates API To Create Charts For Potato Prices

Use Commodities-API

This API is a gateway to the commodity market. It transmits information about the product you need from all over the world, with various international currencies. You can check all this current data in real-time. In addition, you can obtain historical and fluctuation rate data.

All these details will help you to be a better investor since you will have all the factors that influence the price of the good in your head. This will help you understand the best time to buy or sell and the behavior of the market. Developers love this API because it’s so easy to program. It has a wide range of endpoints to use. And it gives answers in JSON, Python, and PHP.

Published inApps, technology
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