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Use An API To Get Tungsten Rates In Tonnes

If you need information about tungsten production in tonnes, you should read this post.

Tungsten has a wide range of applications. Electrical wires, as well as heating and electrical contacts, are typically made from it. World tungsten output increased to 95,000 MT in 2017, up from 88,100 MT in 2016, according to the most current US Geological Survey study on the metal.

Use An API To Get Tungsten Rates In Tonnes

Despite lower output from Mongolia, Rwanda, and Spain, the rise was significant. The United Kingdom had a significant increase in production, with output increasing by roughly 50%. Furthermore, China grabbed the lead last year with 79.000 TM generated, followed by eight other nations.

As we can see, this metal is scarce around the world. For this reason, if you work with it, you need to be updated about the tungsten’s global rates. Use an API to get prices data per tonne.

But, What Is An API

By its initials, it’s an Application Programming Interface (API). This is a software program that lets two applications communicate with one other. Plenty of them may be found on the internet, although not all of them contain the same data. As a result, you must be cautious while making selections to avoid squandering your time.

For these facts, we highly advise you to adopt Metals-API, which is rapidly growing in popularity as one of the most complete APIs for precious metal values. This software may allow you to employ a variety of metals and currencies on your page.

Use An API To Get Tungsten Rates In Tonnes

To take advantage of it, perform the following:

  1. You may obtain your API key at
  2. Search for the Tungsten symbol (TUNGSTEN) as well as the currency sign you want to use.
  3. Use these symbols to include metal and currency in the list before finishing the API call. In addition, you may select a programming language and a pricing range.
  4. After that, you just press the “run” button, and you’re done! On your screen, the API will be presented.
  5. You should be aware that this API will return rates in troy ounces. To convert to tonnes, just divide the rate provided by Metals-API by 3.11035e-5. After that, you’ll be able to get the prices you require.

Why Metals- API

Metals-API started as a basic, lightweight Open-Source API for banks to get current and historical precious metals prices. This API provides real-time precious metals data with a 2 decimal point precision and a frequency of up to 60 seconds.

Providing precious metals exchange rates, switching single currencies, and giving Time-Series data, volatility statistics, and the lowest and highest prices of the day are just a few of these features. The Metals-API can provide precise precious metal exchange rate data in more than 170 currencies throughout the world, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies.

Published inAppsTechnology
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